
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Xion's Grade

I don't use the students' actual names on the blog, but today's X-name isn't a cheat for A to Z's X-day. This boy's name actually does start with an X. So, now you know what his real name is. Unless it's that other fairly common X-name...

It's week two of my long term assignment in the eighth grade English class. I have a co-teacher for the first half of the day (read: she teaches those classes). 

A fair number of students have done little to no work this semester (and last semester, I expect), and the co-teacher had had enough of that. She warned the kiddos that she'd be calling home.

Ms. R was assigned an instructional aide, so she gave the IA a list of students who were failing, and she had her call the parents. Mostly, the IA left messages. However, a few parents did pick up the phone.

It was her second day of calling when Xion's stepfather picked up. And he was not happy to hear the boy was failing English...

Ms. R and the stepfather had an interesting conversation that was blog-worthy. As I was verifying details for this post, I found a mistake... 

Xion has a fairly common last name. It's so common, he isn't the only student to have that last name in that class. 

It turns out Xion has a B in the class. The girl above him on the roster with the same last name (no relation) has a 30%. She's missing more than a month's worth of assignments. Xion? He's turned everything in.

The IA called Xion's parents about the girl's grade.

As soon as I spotted that mistake, I let Ms. R know. And she got back in contact with Xion's stepfather. Because it turns out that the stepfather had it right; Xion's grade wasn't an issue.

Hopefully Xion didn't get into trouble for the mix-up. Clearly the parents are on top of Xion's schoolwork, as the stepfather knew his grade wasn't an F. (The parents have access to the online gradebook, so they can check the kiddos' grades as easily as the kiddos can.)


  1. Sounds like a busy day. If you made it to X, you are kicking butt from A to Z.

  2. Phew, good for Xion (or Xaver or Xander, or whatever his X-name is), too bad for the girl who only had 30%. How is that even possible? In English, their first language? Do the parents not care, you say they should / can check grades online?

    Was there a drop in motivation due to Covid?

    1. You got both of the common X names, but I'm not saying which one it actually is. And I don't know if the parents don't care or are so busy with other things that they can't keep up with her grades. As for English being her first language... maybe not. Around here, that's not a given.

  3. At least the mix up was caught and corrected.

  4. Hopefully next time the IA will remember to check first names, too. She could have seriously messed up his life!

  5. I'm so happy nothing bad came of this mistake. Good on the mother and stepfather for keeping track. And nice job on catching that mistake. Be well!

    1. I'm glad I noticed. And I want to apologize to Xion, but I wasn't really in that transaction at all (except to notice the error after the fact).

  6. Just as well you blog! It's good parents can see grades. I wish that was the case for us as well, would make life a lot easier!

  7. It is good to see parents on top of things

    1. Some of them are. Those tend to be the kiddos I don't have issues with.

  8. oops.....yep, hoping he did not get in trouble.

    1. It seems like he hasn't. Since being in class since this, he hasn't said anything to us about being in trouble.

  9. Oops. And it had to be with parents who cared. Hopefully Xion didn't suffer for it.

    1. He didn't seem any the worse for wear when I saw him a day or so after this.

  10. Wow, I bet Ms. R was happy you noticed the error!


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