
Monday, April 19, 2021

Potty Potion

Rather than another post on how I barely accomplished anything with another photo of the unfinished seven (and a half) year cardi, I'm going to show you the one thing I did do this week: 

Several years ago, I ran across a recipe for a concoction online, and I had to try it. I'm sure you've seen ads for a spray that makes your toilet not smell after using it. This was a recipe for a DIY version.

I've been using it ever since. 

I wrote down the recipe, but I have since lost the site where it originated. I did a quick internet search, but I haven't located it. (I'm sure I can find it, but right now digging through pages of search results isn't a priority.) This means that there are tons of other formulations to try, if you want to give it a whirl. 

One batch lasts me several months. Last week I ran out, so I made another. It's not all that crafty, but it's as close to a project as I got.

The recipe calls for using a spray bottle, but I found that a bit cumbersome, so I use a water bottle with the pop top head. I pour a small squirt in the toilet before using it, and it cuts the smell way down. 

Into the water bottle goes: 

  • 3/4 of a cup of water
  • 2 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol
  • 2 teaspoons of hand or dish soap
  • 40 to 50 drops of an essential oil (lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, etc.)
I bought all the ingredients, including the water bottle but excluding the essential oil, at Dollar Tree. And as you can see from my bottles in the pic, I've still got plenty for the next batch when I need it. (At the rate I go through it, it'll be winter, probably.) 

The essential oil is the main expenditure, and that's more for a pleasant smell than for its odor cutting, I think. (I've never tested this hypothesis.) 

Have you tried the store bought variety? Isn't it amazing what projects you can find on the internet?


  1. The brand I use. You really need to see the video

    1. They have way too much fun with those commercials.

  2. I've never even used the store variety. Clever.

  3. Am I the only one who doesn't use something like this? I don't share a toilet with anyone but I'm still surprised it's such a necessity.

  4. Never really had the use for anything like this. But nice to know.

  5. No, never used any, never thought to. I remember my uncle visiting my mother's bathroom on a rare visit, and we wondered why he lit a match before coming out. We thought that was the strangest thing! I think my mother might have kept a general can of spray in the bathroom, but it was probably Lysol for germs. My bathroom smells like cat box.

    1. Ah yes, the match thing is supposed to help. I've never tried it.

  6. There are. Just do a search and there are plenty of examples online.

  7. I don't know about this product, but I like to use homemade soap. They are much softer and better than store bought ones.

  8. No, I haven't used that type of spray but I will say the commercial Songbird shared with us was hysterical.

    1. Yeah, they had loads of fun making it (or at least storyboarding it).

  9. I recall a year or three ago that my stepson told his dad (Hubs) about trying the store-bought one. He was laughing in amusement at the fact that it worked! I haven't tried either, but certainly could...

  10. That is true, Internet is full of great projects and this lockdown time is perfect for experiment with them.

    New Post -

    1. I don't think I'd term this a "great project". It's something silly to fill a slow news day.

  11. Funny, Liz! Never used something like this. Just Lysol once in a while... But the bathroom fan seems to take care of the problem.

    1. If you don't have an issue, you don't have an issue. I, however, do.

  12. Oh hey, when my husband leaves Le Toilette I start singing "Everything's coming up roses"...

  13. Seen ads for them but never used (the ads in Australia for theone brand I've seen were awful and put you off ever wanting to use).


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