
Friday, April 2, 2021

Brazen Request

Please tell me I am overreacting. 

I've been on this long-term English assignment for a bit over a month. (While you're reading this, I am already done with it. It ended on Tuesday.) Because of everything, many students are behind on their work. I have told the kiddos that they can turn in late work for credit. I only ask they give me a heads-up email so I know to look for it in Google Classroom.

The kiddos on email are kind of funny. Some are very apologetic. Some haven't quite gotten the conventions of email down, so they tell me too little or too much. And, of course, there are the grammatical errors of teens. 

I don't mind it at all. Except for Rodolfo. 

His first email to me: 

I submitted the OMAM chap 3 questions and the OMAM characterization chart.

It would be appreciated if you put this in as soon as possible.

(OMAM is short for Of Mice and Men, the book they're reading.) 

The thing that irritated me? Not that he sent the email at 10:38 PM. What got me was I had just graded the chapter 3 questions and input them into the gradebook, including his assignment. I checked. 

Wisely, I did not respond to his email. Nor did he ask me about any of this in class. (Nor did he stay after class to ask me anything one on one.) 

I was behind on grading. So, the emails piled up from students letting me know they had just submitted something. As did the assignments that were being turned in on time. Rodolfo emailed again: 

I submitted the chap 4 quickwrite and OMAM chap 3 questions. Also waiting for the characterization chart to be updated into aeries.

Yeah, I didn't need the reminder that I was behind on grading. Got it. I'd get to grading his characterization chart as soon as I could. And the chapter 3 questions...? 

Again, I didn't respond to the email. 

I was finally caught up on grading when Rodolfo sent me another email:

You graded the OMAM CHAP 3 questions and my mom is asking me about it. I am just waiting for it to be put into aeries.

Huh? I input that ages ago. But I checked... Nope. For some reason, I had never input his score into the online gradebook. *hangs head in shame*

Otherwise, it felt as if Rodolfo was hounding me about getting to grading his late work. But I'm being ridiculous. I know I am. Aren't I?


  1. Email is very utilitarian, but often lacks tone, there's no body language, etc. If you had this conversation in person it would have been quite different.

    1. I think it might have been. Which is why I'm surprised he didn't stay after class to talk to me. That might have been a whole different conversation.

  2. Rudolfo hound you? No, he would never do such a thing lol.

  3. Brazen indeed (thank you, I learned a new word!). Wait a little more before grading his work ;))

  4. If his mom's asking about it, I think she's the one doing the hounding, via him.

  5. Sounds like a quick nifty texting student too nifty almost but really if Rodolfo is that good would he need to text so much?

  6. What Songbird said, which is why, for certain types of transactions, I never (or try not to use, let's put it that way) use email.

    1. I mean, I asked them to let me know when they were submitting late work. That didn't bother me. I got tons of those. It was just the constant nagging... But, I could have been taking it totally wrong due to feeling like I was behind on grading the entire time.

  7. This is an interesting exchange. I wonder if Rodolfo has some OCD tendencies.

  8. We all mess up and make mistakes. I think I do something a lot of times and find out I had not. Then again, I delete great blogs accidently two days in a row (I hang head in shame)....but yes, I feel like he was pushing you to get those grades done, or maybe mom was. Maybe next time you let them know off the bat that grading all you grade will take time and when they see it in their thingy on line, then it will be there. No emails to remind you needed....well, in his case since you forgot, maybe one email. Crap happens.

    1. I did tell them to email me if they were turning in something late. Once. And I got a ton of those where they just let me know something new was submitted.

  9. Oh yes, he was hounding. It actually reminds me of some clients I have who want to know 3 days after they sign up why the creditors have not accepted. I have to tell them that it takes up to a month, if not more, for many to finally accept. I told the. This twice before but they don’t hear this.

    1. Ah yes. I know the impatience. And I get it. It does take time for people to learn that things get done when they get done.

  10. How often haven't we all thought we did the thing or sent the info, only to find out late that we missed it somehow. Good for you not responding. That way, you don't have to anything to regret. He's young. He'll get over it.

    1. p.s. I used your YOutube video prompt on my C post "The Cellist". ;-) Thanks!

    2. Yeah, well, sometimes things get missed. And I'm okay with a heads up when I do miss something.

  11. I always believe communication has to be clear - whether on email, WhatsApp or wherever. It's always better to have a few more details and fewer. Regarding errors... we are human, after all!

  12. Not responding is always a good way to go.

    1. Especially when I would have snapped at him, and that was just not necessary in this case.

  13. I'm always behind.
    Coffee is on and stay home

  14. It is easy to complain on email because it is removed. I wonder how he would have responded face-to-face. Although his "I want it now" when you were letting him hand in late work attitude is a little grating.

  15. I enjoy reading your school adventure with kids in time of online school. You have so many interesting situation.

    New Post -

    1. Alas, this is the last distance learning post. At least, unless something changes.

  16. It's life his parents were hounding him about it so he hounds you. In life someone hounds someone the chain continues.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.