
Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Tennis Team

In case you've been wondering (I know I have), the various sports teams still have class. CIF (the state's interscholastic sports' governing body) pretty much closed all competition for the fall. (I hadn't heard what they're doing for the spring.) 

But many students still belong to the various teams. 

Last week I covered a biology class. The teacher was also the tennis coach. So, sixth period, I had to cover the tennis team. 

How does one do tennis remotely? The same way they've done every class. 

In the before times, I'd go out to the tennis courts with the kiddos and "supervise" while they practice. (For tennis, that would just be hitting balls around.) 

Now they're watching a video and answering questions online. 

So, in case you're curious, here are the videos they watched. First, Monday's video... 

And this was Wednesday's video...


  1. I enjoyed rallying when I played tennis long ago. I was a decent player. Simply came apart when I had to play games.

  2. Your sports teams have an actual class? Ours don't. Must be interesting to cover that class.

    1. Yes, athletics is 6th period, and they have an actual class. In the before times, the class was usually practice, and if there was an assistant coach or walk-on coach, I had to take roll and then I could walk away. If they were off-season, we might hang out in the teacher's classroom. I have stories.

  3. It is so weird to think of certain classes being virtual, this is definitely one of them.

  4. Watching videos and answering questions. Gee, that sounds like a fun tennis match.

  5. OK, that's weird. Maybe not so weird but don't you have to do something physical rather than just watch other people do it? I'm a learning by doing person. But if I had taken remote tennis in college rather than actual tennis, perhaps it would have been less frustrating.

    1. I think the school assumed we'd be back to doing teams by now? This is not normal. If we were in person, they'd be spending 6th period playing tennis. There's PE distance classes, too. It's all very strange.

  6. Last year Jeckle when Jeckle had remote learning, they had online PE class and some were online videos like the class you covered, and others they had to do fitness - they had to do aerobics or similar with the teacher. They also were given other fitness activities they had to record and submit.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.