
Thursday, February 25, 2021


The previous day, I had gotten a brief call from the sub caller. Could I cover twenty days for Ms. A? I would get two overlap days with the current sub, Mr. P. 

(Ms. A is on maternity leave. She's due back in April.) 

Some subs are well-known. Mr. P is one of them. 

I see him around all the time, and if I mention his name to students, they know who I'm talking about. And they like him. He's good at his job. 

Thursday morning I joined the first period. Mr. P greeted me, even pronouncing my name correctly. (I'm not particular about it, but mostly those who talk to me get it close enough.) 

After class, we had some time to talk. He said he had informed the other teachers in the department of who was taking over for him, and then he said something that shocked me. He said that my name should be familiar to them because I was more well-known than him

Uh, I beg to differ, Mr. P, but no, you're way more well-known than me. I mean, I know the other teachers do know me. They're definitely familiar with me. No question. 

But if I were to rank the "famous" subs, I am well below Mr. P. 

It's hard to know how known one is outside of their little circles. I guess Mr. P doesn't know how familiar he is to the rest of us.


  1. Perception is a funny thing. But it's clear to me you're good at your job even if not as popular. :)

  2. Maybe you are just as famous as he is and you just don't know it!

  3. If he said that, he knew how well you are appreciated.

  4. I feel like I should get your autograph, lol

  5. I am not sure how subbing works. Do you mainly have a couple of schools that you sub at? Do you go all over a wide area of stay within a certain area? It sounds like you sub at schools enough to be known. Now if someone told me I was well known sub I would have to ask, HOW? For being fair, fun, easy to deal with or what? Just me, I am nosey like that.

    1. Just a few schools. And yeah, when students say they like me, I get immediately suspicious. But this is more a known among the adults, which I am.

  6. Enjoy the compliment, Liz. From your stories, you deserve the acknowledgement and respect of the teachers. Cheers!

  7. So, you are famous. Even famous in a building or two is famous. I wonder how many famous people think they aren't deserving of fame because they are just ordinary folks. Since I will never be famous even at my job...or am I? Maybe I am famous! And I'm so happy I knew you before you were famous...I'll be quiet now but first I'll say, wouldn't surprise me if you are famous.

    1. I am known. It's the nature of the job. Kids encounter me in various classes over the years of their schooling. I cover classes for teachers, and they talk. This is how known happens.

  8. So take what you said and flip it:
    I see her around all the time, and if I mention her name to students, they know who I'm talking about. And they like her. She's good at her job.

    I bet that's what Mr P would say about you ;) AS you said, it's all perspective.


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