
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Looking Forward

At the heart of much speculative fiction (and fiction in general) is a question. What if? On Tuesdays I like to throw one out there and see what you make of it. Do with it as you please. If a for-instance is not specified, feel free to interpret that instance as you wish. And if you find this becomes a novel-length answer, I'd appreciate a thank you in the acknowledgements.

Have you ever noticed that at the end of a year, we always seem to talk about what a crap year it was? I mean, 2020 was completely terrible, what with a freaking pandemic and all. But we said terrible things about 2019. And 2018. And on and on and on. 

What if 2021 is a totally amazing year? What if at the end of it, we're amazed by what a wonderful time we all had?


  1. I'm always looking and remember good things in every year. Happy New Year.

    New Post -

  2. Then I'd be sure 2022 would be there to ruin everything.

  3. One can only hope. I wonder what people thought after the Black Death or the 1918 flu pandemic ended?

    1. With the Black Death, it wasn't truly over for a long time, was it? It was over and it took them a while to realize it. And then it returned. Today, we know what's causing the illness and we're learning how to treat it. And we know the vaccines will work. So, I think it will be a different sort of ending for us.

  4. It would be amazing :) And wonderful and so much more :)


  5. I want to have an amazing 2021. I'm all for it

  6. I just want this pandemic to end or the stupid people who don't believe it real, would just wake up.
    I would like my 2021 world be little bigger then go to work, to the store, and home.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. I do hope that your last sentence will come True and we can all say that 2021 was a totally Amazing Year! I had not expected for 2020 to unfold as it had, very difficult year, I'm glad it's almost over.

  8. In comparison to this one (worldwide, and a few things in my personal life and family) it can't help but be better! It will feel amazing, even if it's average. I'll take average. Average is good. We have a vaccine (that hopefully enough people will take to make a difference), and new President, so things are already looking up!

    1. Yes, we have more to anticipate now than we did last year at this time. Last year at this time the virus was ravaging China, and we knew it was just a matter of time before it reached us. A very different outlook, to be sure.

  9. It is what you make it. We can be at the best party and grumble about it go home and be alone and grumble about it or look at it in a completely positive way.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.