
Thursday, October 15, 2020


Period six was the biggest period of the day, thirty plus students. Because we are on a modified schedule for distance learning, I only had the class twice in four days. 

On Wednesday, I had gotten them started on the assignment. I went to input the attendance when, poof. Suddenly I was kicked out of the meet. 

The internet was still working, so I just rejoined the meet. And it was all fine.

The exact same thing happened on Friday. 

I think since more of them had their cameras on, it was taking up more bandwidth? Perhaps. And it only occurred while I was accessing two things online by taking attendance. 

This is why when students drop out of the meet, I'm not concerned. Especially when they rejoin a minute or two later. Because it has happened to me. 


  1. How frustrating. But I imagine you're right about the bandwidth being overtaxed.

    1. Oh yes. This week I had the same thing happen in a much larger class, but this time I got booted six different times. :-O

  2. At least you can relate to it when it happens to students and don't just think they are messing around.

  3. I understand. Got booted out of a Zoom gym class once, couldn't get back in...

    1. We tell the students that if they have that sort of issue to email the teacher, because it does happen, and they should not be penalized in the attendance for the technology fail.

  4. Oh man. Like teaching wasn't difficult enough, now there are a bunch of new problems to deal with!

  5. Zoom school, Zoom church, even a Zoom wedding. Found two new cousins via We were all going to meet midway from our various homes this summer, but the coronavirus put a stop to that. So we've met several times via Zoom. And there are always technical problems, but we're all getting better at dealing with them.

    1. Yes, it's a different sort of get together online, isn't it? I like the commercials where they're doing meetings like that, because they are getting the intricacies of these things pretty spot on.

  6. To me that is frustrating as I have had issues with my laptop and missed speaking to a client as a result. I had to get our IT person to help me.

  7. I only done zoom a few times, and no issues

  8. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more with so many people working at home and doing virtual learning at home. It has to be overtaxing the system, don't you think?

    I know on the Next Door app everyone is always complaining here about the Internet going down. Thankful I'm not working at home these days relying on it!


  9. No doubt some experts are working out the technical kinks. One positive thing about being continually booted off is that kids are showing up.

  10. I wonder how many do it for fun... leave, wait a beat, then come back with wifi issues?


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