
Friday, September 25, 2020

Virtual Back-to-School Night

I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was. I mean, we're doing the virtual schooling thing, why wouldn't back-to-school night be virtual? I suppose I thought it would be cancelled. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar, back-to-school night is a thing that happens every year, about a month into the school year. Parents are invited to go to their kiddos' classes where the teachers give a presentation about what they're going to be doing in class during the year. 

As a sub, I'm not required to attend. But, since I'm doing a quasi long-term, I asked the co-teachers if they wanted me there. So, for the first time, I got to attend. 

There's not much a teacher can go over in ten minutes. And turnout is traditionally low. But with the virtual thing, the teachers could record their presentations and have their slides available for the parents to peruse at their leisure. 

And just like their kiddos, the parents had their cameras off and were on mute. So, I have no idea how they felt about what they saw. 

But it's a great way to touch base with parents. And I got another first for this year. 


  1. That has to be annoying when you know they are there but are muted and have cameras off with both the parents and the students.

  2. What Martha said. Hopefully some tuned in. Around here, many school systems are giving up on the virtual learning and bringing the kids back to school.

  3. Record things and make them available online. That's a good idea. It makes me wonder why they weren't doing things like this already!

  4. I hadn't even thought of back to school night for virtual learning. Good it was recorded for parents to review later. I know it is challenging to have several kids and try to make it to all their classes. This is one good advantage of the present learning environment.


  5. They don't do that for high school here. In primary school they have an information evening called "meet the teachers" which is probably similar.

  6. A great way for families to get to know teachers better. Hope your weekend is filled with joy.

  7. I forgot about parents night or welcome night.

  8. This virtual teaching is taxing for both the. teachers and students. just imagine, the whole thing is happening with hardly any training for both. Taken by surprise is the word.

  9. Hi Liz - another new experience ... life is not easy for schools and teachers at the moment - all the best - Hilary

  10. Interesting. I never heard of such an event, live or online. Be well!

    1. I didn't realize this was a regional thing. New information.

  11. Well there has to be a way for the teachers and parents to get together and talk. It is totally important for that connection esp in these times. I wished I had started a list of new and different experience since this started. I can look back on the bigger changes but the smaller ones I wished I had documented. You know I always take pics so I have a folder on FB that shows diff pics but even with that I did not think to do that till we were months into it.

    1. We still have our memories. That can be documentation enough.

  12. Children here in the UK have gone back to school now but thank goodness for virtual lessons when they had to stay at home.

    1. I hope things are going well. Glad some places are getting back to normal.

  13. Another new experience for you. It's been a year of firsts.

  14. I have not put my daughter in school yet but appreciate all the parents and children out there who are managing time and everything around

    1. Probably not the time to start school, anyway. Later, definitely.

  15. HAHA...I am not sure that the "1st" are anywhere near being done with yet. I am sure you will have more of them before all is said and done.

  16. It is so interesting to read about virtual school but they are new reality.

    New Post -

  17. I'm surprised they stay on mute. I would think of it as a good chance to ask questions or even hear other questions I might not think of.

    1. Alas, the teachers only had 10 minutes to present. There wasn't time for questions. But contact information was shared, so the parents could contact the teachers at a later time.


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