
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

September Vacation

On Monday, Basim told me that he wasn't going to be in class on Monday. I had forgotten that Monday was a holiday, so I didn't assure him that he wouldn't be missing anything. 

But, I also didn't mention that I wasn't going to be his teacher any longer, either. 

I have what is called an emergency credential. I am authorized to cover a class for no longer than 30 days. Last Wednesday was day 30. (Day one was back in July with their summer session.) 

Instead, the conversation drifted to why Basim wouldn't be able to log into class. Turns out he'd be travelling. To Egypt. He has family there. 

How long was he staying? Why a trip now? None of that matters, really, because Basim could still attend class while in Egypt. That is one of the unintended consequences of our virtual schooling. They can really attend from anywhere (so long as they have an internet connection). 

I let the new teacher know, and I'm sure Basim mentioned it to him as well. 

Part of me was sad to leave the class. Part of me was relieved, as running a class day to day is hard work. (This is why I sub.) So now, it's back to day to day subbing in our new reality. (And yes, it turns out they really still need subs. Tune in tomorrow.)


  1. When I worked at the schools I was always amazed by how many people would travel right at the beginning of the school year. Hello? That's what summer vacation is for!

  2. Exactly. Then there is Christmas. Some cultures celebrate the epiphany. Some of my hispanic students traveled back to Mexico for the two weeks around that time (Jan. 12?).

    1. There was a teacher (since retired) who never took time off of school. He had been an engineer before switching careers, and he said with the amount of time the schools take off, he could get all the stuff done he needed to be out of school for done then.

  3. I'm surprised he'd be allowed to travel at all with the pandemic going on. Unless it's an immigration thing or something.

  4. Maybe Basim's family got a good deal on air flights. This should be an interesting year for your statistics that you report at the end of school years!


  5. Boy, I would hope he has wifi wherever he's going otherwise he'll have A LOT to catch up on! Weird time for a vacay and even weirder that he's allowed out of the country and into Egypt. I wonder if he'll be able to come back. - How is teaching during a pandemic? I can't imagine having to wear a mask all day. Be safe out there!

    1. Wear a mask all day? Pshaw! It's all distance. I only have to wear the mask coming in and going out. During the day I'm alone in a classroom.

  6. Aussies aren't allowed to leave the country without an exemption (and they are very, very hard to get). And if you leave, you can't be guaranteed when you will be able to come back.

  7. An emergency credential? That's fascinating. I hope he travels safe and you have smooth subbing experiences for a while. Be well!

    1. Smooth? Then I'd have nothing to blog about ;)

  8. Hi Liz - well done on mastering your month. I too hope Basim will be safe ... but you have an interesting life! Take care - Hilary


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