
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ugly Boy

No image for the walk, so instead enjoy some chalk art.

Luisa and I are still taking walks, although not every day. And as summer heats up, our walks are in the evening, when things start to cool down. 

We were maybe ten minutes into our walk when I spotted a tiny dog walking along the sidewalk on the other side of the street. He seemed to have purpose, like he was on a walk with a person. But, there was no person to be seen. 

I looked around, but no one seemed to be in the vicinity except for us. 

So, I pointed him out to Luisa. 

We crossed the street, and Luisa called out to him. He kept strolling along. It took us a good three to four houses before we caught up with him. 

Luckily, he had on a collar. The front read "Ugly Boy". The back had a phone number. 

I dialed the number. I got voicemail. I wasn't surprised. When I get phone calls from an unknown number, I don't answer them either. So, I left a quick message. 

Ugly Boy got away from Luisa (she was holding him by the collar and he slipped away), but I needed that number again. Because while I knew the call would be ignored, I figured a text wouldn't be. 

Once we grabbed the dog again, I texted, "Are you missing a dog?" and then I added where we were.  

Not two minutes later, the phone rang and two ladies emerged from a house two houses in front of us. 

In front of us. 

Ugly Boy was headed home when we waylaid him. 

Ah well. They told us that Ugly Boy has escaped before. Someone left a door open. I just wonder if he's escaped more than they realize, only he then returns. 


  1. He was on a walk of his own! I'm guessing he's done this before. That's so funny.

  2. What irresponsible pet owners. If a dog gets out once, then you take measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. They didn't even notice he was missing! Next time someone may not return him, if he isn't hit by a car first. I am currently searching for the owners of a lovely cat that turned up in my backyard. Someone must be missing her, but there are no lost reports and no one has responded to my efforts. Two Craigslist posts (pets and lost/found), shelter report, PetHarbor report, contact with the microchip company (the owners didn't even bother to add their info to the chip, so it's useless), and the chip insertion location. I think I have a new cat.

    1. Yeah, well, at least they live on a fairly quiet street. Maybe they'll be more careful next time?

  3. At least he had a collar with phone number! What a sad name for a dog though!


  4. Ugly boy? What a name (and I don't mean that in a good way).

    1. *shrugs* Not what I would have named a dog...

  5. They name the dog Ugly Boy, they wouldn’t answer the phone which is strange if they knew their dog was missing and they seemed nonplussed that he went missing. This pisses me off and I hope I am being so very wrong.

    1. Oh no, they were terribly upset when I got in touch with them. They said they'd been in the pool, and they hadn't noticed he was gone.

    2. Well that's good at least...they need to make sure he is around them at all times and to have others stay vigilant.

  6. Wonder why he had such a name! Was it because he keeps getting away from home? Anyway, good he hadn't gone too far and the owners got him back.

  7. Hi Liz - how funny ... dogs do have an amazing homing-in ability. Delightful name ... loved this! Stay safe - Hilary

  8. Well, you did the right thing regardless. :) And the name is funny. It reminds me of a cat named Ugly Bat Boy. Sad to say, he passed away several years ago. But if you've never seen him...

    Be well!

    1. I think they were going for humor in the name. I hope.

  9. Our boy got out once or twice, and he would come home and sit at the front door. It always left us in such a panic (although he would always be panicked when he realised he was on his own).

  10. hahaha,gee, that's something that would happen to me. That's a keeper of a story, Liz.


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