
Friday, July 3, 2020

Doodle a Yankee

I know I have a bad habit of doing quizzes that are U.S.-centric. And while most of the time I do try to combat this, this week I'm not. As tomorrow is the 4th (and we're going to pretend that there's something to celebrate), I thought I should do a 4th of July quiz. So... 

Doodle a Yankee: The July 4th Quiz

It's not timed. Just scroll down and answer. A hint button is even provided. Good luck. 

(International readers, feel free to skip this entirely.)


  1. Eh. As a History major, I should be ashamed of how poorly I did on this quiz. But to be fair, I haven't studied any of this stuff in decades, so I've mostly forgotten what I knew. And I was too proud to press the hint button more than once.


  2. I know several folks who would do well, but not me. lol

    1. It was for fun. No grades handed out (just points for participation ;)

  3. LOL I got 45%. I got the history ones right (like who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence) but the trivia (like where the clam celebration was) got those wrong.


  4. I had a go, figuring I'd have to get some right. 34% - I guess that's not too bad for an international, especially as I forgot there was a hint button, lol.

  5. Uhm, I got bored after yet another question I couldn't answer. I did get the answer to Independence Day using the most models. That one was a no-brainer. lol

  6. I decided to take this because of my interest in American history and politics. And I got 60%. :-)

  7. I got 10 out of 20 right...well I ran out of time. Not bad for a Canuck

  8. I surprised myself by getting 65%!

  9. I need to go back and study my history again...haha

    1. Are you sure it wasn't the questions about festivals and such that we shouldn't be expected to know?

  10. 60% I honestly thought I would do better


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.