
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Survival in the Sky

There's a treasure trove of programming on YouTube. Many shows I remember fondly have ended up there. On subbing-free Wednesdays, I'll present a random video that I loved back in the day. Some of these may not have aged all that well. If you have some time, come on and take a trip down memory lane with me.

I'm not a big disaster junkie. I don't like seeing things about people getting hurt. But, I found myself glued to the show Survival in the Sky when it aired on TLC back in the '90s. 

It was a show about plane crashes. But its focus was on the investigations afterward and what the industry learned from each disaster. 

I suppose that's what I liked about it. It was a puzzle. What happened? Why did it happen? How did the industry make sure it didn't happen again? 

For today, I have the first episode here. If you search YouTube, you'll find the other parts as well. 


  1. Looks interesting. I would be curious what they found caused the crashes and how to prevent them in the future. Will definitely check it out.


  2. I don't remember the shows but I watched this for a few minutes. So different than some "documentaries" today. A real "just the facts" program.

  3. We had a similar show airing in Oz not that long ago. I didn't watch many eps but The Hub did. I liked the investigation part (not so keen on the crashing bit, lol).

  4. Whoa. Interesting. I wonder how long it aired.
    ... And then Sept. 11. And then the Malaysian plane was abducted by aliens...

    1. I think it was just the five or six episodes. I wonder what they would have done with those...

  5. We have a similar series called Mayday which looked at the plane crash, talked to the investigators, survivors, if any, and how they figured out what caused the plane to crash. It is a very interesting show

  6. I'm reminded of "Engineering Disasters", which my husband enjoys on occasion. Be well!

    1. Similar. SITS is a bit more narrowly focused, though.


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