
Monday, June 1, 2020

Stash Shark

Every crafter has a stash. Since I'm a knitter/crocheter, my stash consists of yarn. 

I'm not much of a hoarder. While I hear tell of those that find pretty yarns or soft yarns and buy them to "feed the stash", I've rarely done this. When I buy yarn, it's with a specific project in mind. 

So, how do I have a stash? It started with the yarn and accessories I inherited from GramMavis (my great-grandmother, the one who taught me to knit) when she passed. From there, the yarn in my stash is either from extra yarn bought for those projects (one should always buy more than one needs, because to run out of yarn before the project is complete is not good), or yarn for projects I never started. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it explains why the shark is blue. 

For my twin nephews' seventh birthday, I gave them the gift of "I'll make you what you want". Last week I showed off twin one's Spinosaurus

Twin two requested a shark. 

Their birthday is in late April. We were under stay-at-home orders. So, once I found patterns for what I was going to make, I went digging through my stash to find yarn to complete the projects. 

Sure, I could have ordered yarn online. But it would have taken time for that yarn to arrive, and besides, if I had appropriate yarn in my stash, why buy more? 

I had the perfect yarn for the dinosaur. That green is from a sweater I made myself several years ago. But while I had one gray for the shark, I did not have another gray or an off-white. And I needed a lighter color for the shark underside as well as the white for the teeth. 

What could I use as the third color? 

I figured navy blue was close enough. This is more a cartoon shark than an actual one, anyway. At least navy blue is kind of close... 

At least, that's what I'm telling myself. 

Hey, it works. 

If this shark looks a little familiar, it's because the pattern designer is our old friend, she who created the jellyfish pattern. (If you're interested, the pattern is here.


  1. So cute! I like the colors! Are you up to making another one sometime and putting it on your eTSY store? Let me know if you are interested in that. I think grandson would like it.


  2. That's so cool! I do the same thing with my cross stitching and crocheting. I use what works most of the time because I have soooooo much floss and yarn!

    1. Yes, we must use the stash. (Not that we always do ;)

  3. I think blue works great. Still looks like a Great White.

  4. That's adorable! And I think the colors are great.

  5. Blue is a perfect color for a shark! Now if it was orange or something, that would be ridiculous. I love that shark. It's so cute.

  6. He is adorable! I like him in blue.

  7. Hey yes, it does work. I never would have thought it wasn't your first choice.

    1. Oh no. I went digging for a while, hoping I had another gray. Alas...

  8. The colours work perfectly. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if you hadn't mentioned it. I reckon the twins will be very happy with their gifts.

  9. My stash would be fabric, now to get it organized

  10. That's wonderful - love the teeth - and so is the spinosaurus. Bet your twin nephews were thrilled to bits.

    1. We'll see. Currently, these are in transit to them. Should arrive in a couple days.

  11. I think these sharks are cool and funny. I think the navy blue works perfectly.

  12. I think the blue looks great. I would never have questioned it if you hadn't said it was a concern.

    1. Note to self: don't air concerns on the blog. But then again, that's what a blog is for, isn't it?

  13. What? Sharks aren't blue? The San Jose Sharks wear blue outfits. This guy and the dinosaur are sooooooo cute. The Lucky Twins!


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