
Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Long Wait, Part 2

Last Tuesday was Cinco de Mayo. Which is not something I normally pay attention to. But Luisa pointed it out, and she wanted Mexican food that day. So, we ordered from our favorite Mexican restaurant (more about that in yesterday's post). 

When we went to pick up our food, the line was around the corner and all the way past five other businesses in the strip mall. Now, of course, that line had everyone giving each other 6 feet of space, but it was still a long line. 

We thought the line was long when we got there, but shortly, five others had gotten into line behind us. One woman was just not going to stand in that line. "I already paid. I should just be able to go." 

Well, we had all already ordered. What made her think she was special? 

She cut in line, anyway. Went to the front and was out fairly quickly. Apparently there was a curb side pick up going that none of us knew about. Because, seriously? We totally would have paid on the phone so as to not have to wait in that line. 

There were others who showed up thinking they could go to the head of the line. And those of us in line weren't too pleased with them. There was a certain satisfaction when they were sent to the back of the line. 

We had an ongoing conversation with the woman behind us. Well, not me. I kind of stood there. My companion and the lady behind us formed a fast friendship, talking about diets and grandchildren and who did these people think they were going to the head of the line? Oh, never mind. That one was going into the ice cream shop (which didn't have a line around the corner). 

I've been seeing all sorts of complaints about wearing masks on the news. So many people seem to be protesting. But not so much in my day-to-day experience. (Although, there were a couple women complaining in the Dollar Tree a couple weeks ago. Sigh.) 

The woman behind us and the woman in front of us both had masks, but they had them off. They both apologized as the masks were bothering them. One had an asthma issue, the other was just kind of done with hers. But as both were standing a good ways off (we've all been pretty good at giving the people before and after us a good deal of space in line--the new normal), it wasn't a bother. 

By the time we nearly got to the end of the line, some guy decided to go to the head of the line. I guess our glares penetrated. He begged our patience--he was just going to order a margarita to have while he waited in line. Which he did, and then he went to the back of the line. 

The rest of us thought, why hadn't we thought to do that? Because that was an excellent idea. (Although, I would have preferred to do the ice cream thing.)


  1. Haven't yet done the curb side pick up. But it sound like someone needs go back to grade school and learn to stand in line

  2. I absolutely HATE line breakers! There's not much I will call a stranger out on, but line breaking does it for me.

    That's great that people there are good about leaving space. I had to go into a store last week, and no one seemed to understand the six feet thing.

    1. I had issues with the space thing yesterday, but mostly people have been giving each other room.

  3. That's cool that these guys got refreshements and back into line. In our part of the country it's illegal to drink alcohol outside of designated areas, which I think is silly. I always avoid restaurants linked to holidays on the designated day like the plague. ;) Sorry, but I typed the word before thinking it through. Be well!

    1. Because of the pandemic, the restaurants are allowed to do "take out" alcohol. Everyone was shocked when that was allowed, and many are taking advantage of the opportunity.

  4. In NY they're now allowing restaurants to sell alcoholic beverages "to go". But we also have an "open container" law. Weird.

    1. Yup, same here. So, "open" alcohol transported to one's home needs to be stored in the trunk or backseat (where no one is).

  5. Ordering a drink - smart. Shame there weren't two lines, one for paid and not paid. Maybe it would've moved faster.

  6. I hope the food was not cold. I think a margarita is a good way to wait

    1. Not cold, but soggy. Sigh. If we had just gone right after ordering...

  7. There should be a Naughty Chair for line breakers.

  8. Wearing a mask drives me crazy. It fogs up my glasses and is hot and uncomfortable on my face. I still wear it, though.

  9. The margarita was a good idea. Drinking it through a straw through a mask, well that works.

    1. I assume he just gave everyone around him plenty of room.

  10. Surprised the restaurant didn't have a sign up encouraging people to get a drink while waiting. They could have made a fortune I think!


  11. I'm surprised it took so long to hand out orders if everyone in the queue had already paid. Surely they would have just had to hand them to each person as they got to the front. Bummer it was soggy.

  12. I'm surprised there weren't more complaints.

  13. Here too, there are those odd guys who try to be 'smart' and jump the queue. Most storekeepers refuse to attend to them and send them back.

    Giving one another space in a queue is working at most stores here. But the big challenge will be when public transport resumes. Considering buses and metro are mostly crowded, especially during peak hours, I wonder how 'social distancing' will work.

    All domestic and international flights (except to a few destinations) are still off in India. We are now told that there won't be a gap between passengers in flights. That will completely defeat the purpose of maintaining distance before the flight or after the flight, especially since many people who might be infected show no signs at all.

  14. The confusion around lines has caused some eye rolls in my locality. Ducking and weaving in the grocery store to give people space makes me feel like a football player sometimes. The old people get the most irate, but I don't blame them. I'm almost one of them!

    1. I hear you. Trying to shop and give everyone enough space it tough.

  15. I have not been out and will not be out for quite a long time. I have bought masks in case but it's hard to imagine a scenario in the near future where I will even have occasion to wear them.

    1. Glad to hear you don't have to go out for anything. It would be safest if we could all do that.


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