
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A NOVA Episode

I've got a different TV post for today. I happened upon the NOVA from two weeks ago (about a week late), and since it's timely, I'm posting the link: 

Decoding COVID-19

It's about 55 minutes. And I'm sure you've already heard some of it. But it talks about how the virus works, what they're doing to find a treatment and vaccine, and the various scientists who are working on the problem. 

It's a good program. As I only accidentally happened upon it, I thought I might not be the only one who almost missed it.


  1. Replies
    1. Totally worth it. You can probably also get it through the PBS app on a streaming TV.

  2. I will listen to it at work. Sounds interesting. I like to learn new things about this and process it accordingly. Thanks!


  3. watching something that is not politically motivated, that is factual will be a pleasure to watch.

    1. I don't know how this pandemic got political. It shouldn't have.

  4. Didn't catch the NOVA program, but learned about Covid-19 and other viruses on a Netflix special. Also watched CNN's special on what China knew about the virus and when they knew it. Their cover-up and slowness to act is partly to blame for the mess we're in now.

    1. At the outset, sure. This NOVA was more about the science, which I found interesting.

  5. Not available here, but I have been reading heaps about the science. It's quite fascinating how much they've learnt, but at the same time, how little they know.

  6. I haven't seen NOVA in years. I will write myself a note...and hope to remember. By the time my workday is over, my mind just wants to veg.

    1. I hope you get a chance to check it out. It's worth the time.

  7. Unfortunately the video is not available, possibly because of rights restrictions. But thankfully there is a transcript of the entire programme. I read through the text. That was good enough.

    Thanks for sharing this informative piece.

    As I see it, there are two key worrying aspects of COVID-19: one, infected people could be asymptomatic (they won't get tested and would unwittingly transfer virus to others), and two, scientists still don't have a complete understanding of how this virus works on the human body, the virus seems to be throwing up new surprises (that could delay development of a vaccine).

  8. I haven't seen it but I've got it pulled up so I'm going to watch. Thanks for this Liz.

    1. Hope you like it. I found it very informative.


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