
Friday, February 7, 2020

Misplaced Anger

"Oh, I remember you. You're the sub that hates me."

I... Uh...

I did remember the girl. Because last time I had seen her... she had said the exact same thing. And, well, I don't remember any animosity.

She insisted that I hate her.

Eighth grade math. It was co-taught, so some of this was directed at the special ed. teacher. Ms. C said perhaps the girl talked too much. I explained that I hold no anger towards the girl, but the girl seemed to think I did.

Actually, she rather enjoyed the idea that I hated her.

Okay, fine, then.

It was towards the end of the period that the girl explained why I hated her.

It was a Wednesday. The girl had asked if she could yell out "hump day". I said no. As the bell rang, she did anyway...

I vaguely recall the incident. Kind of? It could be one of those recalls that happen when someone tells you of something that happened in your presence and you only remember it via their memory.

So, anger? No. I was likely irritated. At the time. But I don't carry that anger for more than the length of time it takes to write in the note. (Likely, this didn't make the note to the teacher. I probably sighed in exasperation and was glad the period was over.)

But, middle schooler. They think the whole world revolves around them. And they think that we spend more time contemplating them than we really do. I mean, I'm only recalling this now because I knew it would make a good blog post. If I don't see her for a month or two, I'll be blindsided by my supposed hatred of her next time, too.


  1. How strange. ~shakes head~ I'll have to admit once again that I could never handle your job.

  2. Yeah, the thought processes of a middle schooler...

    1. Don't go there. You no longer have kiddos that age, so you don't have to.

  3. She's probably disappointed to find out that you don't really hate her and that you barely remember the incident.

    1. If she stopped long enough to hear that, she might be. But she barreled right over my denials.

  4. I'm sure they're all shocked to find out that you have a life outside of them.

  5. If she was special ed, do you think she miscued your irritation with you being angry?


  6. Oh yeah, nothing outside their world and them. She obviously wanted you to hate her. So much cooler to be able to say "Oh, Miss hates me" to her friends. She had no consequence from her actions so there's not much substance for her claim - I wonder how she's embellished the story for those friends, lol.

  7. Oh, middle-school. The sun and universe revolve around them, and nuclear fusion burns within them.

  8. Middle school teachers are a special breed. And it's interesting, I have friends and family who became teachers and they all teach/taught either elementary or high school. Hmmm....

    1. Yeah, it's a different mindset. All the middle school teachers I know are a little bit different. The ones who are best at it are a little odd, but in a good way.

  9. I don't envy you your job - I'd hate to have to think on my feet all the time like you do! Although maybe it keeps you young!!!
    Hope you have a calm week!
    Wren x

    1. Maybe not all the time. Some days I get to let another teacher take the lead :)

  10. How difficult it must be to handle them! I doubt if I would be able to!

  11. LOL....who knows how she's processed that in her mind. But, truly I had to laugh about how they think we think about them all the time, and that you don't have a life outside of of your commentators posted. When my daughter taught in Maryland that was indeed the case. She stopped for gas after work, had changed from her dress into jeans for the long drive home (Ohio), for Christmas break. One of her students was also at the gas station and was amazed and shocked that a teacher would be there, would be in jeans and a real person, lol. I always enjoy your stories. While I find this amusing from the adult perspective, it does make me wonder how troubled she might be that she thinks that. Does she think that of other teachers, are there problems at home etc. Is the counselor at school aware of this? Sometimes these little day to day things can be signals we adults over look. Swing by for a visit.


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