
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Switched Again

Thursday. I was scheduled to cover Ms. D, middle school English. When I arrived, I was handed the keys for Ms. A, also middle school English.


I may have mentioned before that this school year I've been hit with a lot of these. That is, I've arrived at the site expecting one kind of class only to end up covering a different one.

I'm not complaining. It's way better than showing up to discover that I have no assignment at all. And sometimes the change has been for the better. Although, on this day, it was more of a lateral move.

For a change, I learned why the switch.

When I got to class, Ms. A was hurriedly putting together lesson plans. Then another teacher walked in, and they got to talking. I was able to glean the whole situation.

There was a field trip. The eighth graders were going to the closest community college (the one that most of the students at the local high school end up at, the one that is offering two years free to graduates). Ms. D was supposed to chaperone, but she had woken up sick. They asked Ms. A if she wanted to take the spot, and she jumped at the chance. (The other teacher was telling Ms. A that she thought she'd say no, and Ms. A explained that she loved going on field trips.)

One mystery solved.

However, Ms. D was sick, so she was out that day anyway. So, um, why did they call in a different sub to cover her class? I mean, I was already scheduled to be there for her.

Sometimes school logic eludes me.


  1. I have to agree with Ms. A. I used to enjoy going on field trips when my kids were in school :) But I do agree, why did they call in that different sub? More importantly, was it a good day of subbing for you?


  2. Okay, I've tried to puzzle that one out and the reasoning eludes me. This has to be some sort of trick question.

  3. HAHA...oh Liz, those sort of things don't only happen in the school system! There are some folks that you wonder about when they tend to make some strange decisions...haha

  4. Could it be part of bureaucracy thing?

  5. That is weird. I think I might have a problem showing up to a site expecting one job but being given another. As a teacher are you expected to be a "jack of all trades" instructor? I think I would've been an art teacher and nothing else and if I was a sub I suppose I'd have a part time job at McDonald's or something because art would be it for me. :) - You're very versatile.

    1. The more versatile a sub is, the more work we get. They don't really expect subs to know all the subjects. Certain teachers just know that a sub will only be passing out and collecting papers (calculus, French, AP classes...). And it's amazing how much I can help even in a class like Mandarin or woodshop. Just having the general getting-through-school skills help.

  6. Like you said, better than no class. I wonder if Mrs A's enthusiasm for field trips also depends on the group of kids she'd be taking...

  7. Such things have happened to me as well, though of course, in a different context. I am just left puzzled. Maybe there is a reason, but it's not immediately apparent at that time. May be a miscommunication, in your case? I don't know!

    1. I'm sure for each time it's happened, there's been a different reason.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.