
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Feeling's Mutual

Some classes are way too happy to see me.

Ninth grade English. They were to read a story and write some questions about it.

It was passing period. I stood at the front of the room, so the students could see me as they walked in. And when they spotted me, they celebrated. Loudly.

There were cheers. There was jumping up and down. They even said it.

"Yay, a sub. I'm so glad to see you..."

The others already in the room tried to get this boy's attention. I even pointed. But he remained oblivious.

"...Can you stay forever? You can take over the class..."

And on and on he went, until he finally saw his teacher standing in the back of the room.

Ms. T had an IEP meeting to go to. I had just come in. (I was only there for that one period.) She planned to start class and then leave for the meeting.

As others came in, the other students tried to clue them in that Ms. T was there. Most got the hint. But not that one boy.

Once he'd sat down, Ms. T let him know that the feeling was mutual. (She told me it was her worst class. There have been issues.)


  1. Ouch. Well, at least they appreciate you!

  2. Awkward!!! Yeah, it's reasons like that that I was the quiet kid in school. :)

    1. If he had been paying attention, he would have noticed everyone trying to let him know. There is a kind of deliberate obliviousness here.

  3. I've had teachers where a sub was celebrated.

  4. Oh gosh..I have been that kid more than once!

    1. ughh-it's Birgit

    2. Aww... I'm sorry to hear that. And is Blogger being weird again with log ins? I might have to revamp the comments (although I don't really want to put in a different system like Discus).

  5. He was a little slow in reading other people's gestures. I'm sure he'll learn over time.


  6. I don't think kids realise that teachers are there to teach, not to be friends. They also have a bucket load of kids that they teach, so not being liked by a student (who they probably don't like themselves) is not going to bother them one iota.

    I remember the teachers I liked at school were the ones who taught well, and over time developed a great rapport with the students. The ones who failed were the ones who wanted to be friends and so didn't put in behaviour management strategies. They might have liked being *popular* with students, but the reality was they weren't really popular at all.

  7. Oooooo! Kid is going to get it now. If he didn't like his teacher before, just wait. It will get worse.

  8. I remember classes out of control and one teacher reduced to tears. Another, teach, just said to a wiseguy:) one day you'll just mature. In those days it was cool to have a green board. When my turn came, I grabbed the chalk scribbled my theorem answer down which mrs Byrne requested and the class was quiet. Haha, how I enjoyed that. The power of knowledge actually works!

  9. Such is life. Poor teacher and student.

  10. Uh oh. This is not good. I'm thinking the teacher needs to re-think her approach.

    1. I don't know... She needed a comeback at that point. The whole class heard his tirade, so she couldn't not say something. Could it have been better? Sure. But in that moment, I couldn't have come up with anything better.

  11. Replies
    1. You'd think he'd pick up his classmates' cues...

  12. Maybe that teacher should be assisting you and learning your ways...

    1. Nah, she's got it. She's a great teacher. But freshmen are notoriously difficult.

  13. Hahaha! That made me laugh. I love it. This should be in a novel. Kids say/do the funniest things!!!

    1. A novel or a screenplay. One of these days I'll do something with all my material.

  14. I would have liked to see the look on his face when she let him know the feeling was mutual! But if he's like most kids, it probably didn't mean anything to him one way or the other. Or maybe it did.


    1. Her comment cut him, if only just a little. I think he might be a bit more careful in the future.


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