
Friday, November 22, 2019


Seventh grade English. They were reading chapter eleven of The Giver and then answering questions about it.

The answering of the questions went much quicker than it should have. So, the kiddos had some time afterwards.

I sat and watched. They did the usual. And then I heard...

"Go back to Puerto Rico."

I headed for the two boys. I let the one who said it know that was a rude thing to say to his classmate.

"But he told me I needed to go back to picking cotton."

So, both of them were being awful. Yeah, that tracks for seventh graders.

I let them both know that was unacceptable. Because, seriously?

This is what happens when they have too much free time on their hands. It was my fault for not finding something else for them to do once they got finished.


  1. I'm glad you addressed it with them. Kids that age are awful to each other.

  2. Making them know that they were wrong is the right step.

  3. Glad you told them what's what. This just shows that we are not that far evolved from 50 years ago.

  4. Such a challenging age. Nice job setting the record straight.

  5. Sad thing I heard adult also having those very same statements. I bet there parents spoke that way.
    Coffee is on

  6. I would never go back to those middle school years. I guess they hadn't been taught better at home?


  7. Good for you for setting them straight. May it get stuck in their heads.

  8. At least they hit one for one *sigh*. Even if you'd set more work there would have been something. That's the way it works at that age.

  9. I mean, kids who are going to go there are going to go there. It's already wrong. And sad. We want so badly to believe that the older generation is largely responsible for this hatred, and it is painful to see it alive and well with the youth.

    1. I don't usually hear this sort of thing, so it was a bit of a shock.

  10. Beyond telling them they were rude what did you do? If the bigot's enough to say that about you and their fellow student, I think saying they're rude probably rolled right off their back and meant nothing. Hopefully the principal got involved, and or the school's disciplinary person. Don't most school's have those nowdays?

    1. There is an assistant principal in charge of discipline. I'll have no idea if the teacher referred them to him. (I did inform the teacher of the incident.)

  11. When I grew up, we were so hopeful this type of prejudice would die out with our generation - obviously that has not happened. I can only hope your words will stick, but I am cynical enough to think it probably won't.

    1. In the current atmosphere, it's getting worse.

  12. Kudos to you for letting them know Liz. Your voice may be the only voice of kindness and compassion they hear...

    1. I doubt that. But hopefully they will learn.

  13. That's sad. ~sigh~ At that age I always had my nose in a book. Heh... Be well!

  14. Time to write on the chalkboard 20 times "I will not be racist"

  15. Some children say such things without realising what it actually implies, but others even while they know it.
    Either way, it is wrong. And the best thing is to correct them. And nice of you to have done that, Liz.

    1. I think that's true of this boy (the not realizing what he was actually saying). That's why I let the teacher know. She can work on letting them know what was implied that they didn't realize.

  16. Liz,

    Kids can say the worse things and these sound like they aren't respectful, either. I'm not sure what one of my teachers would've done with that kind of flying off at the mouth but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be suitable punishment. I know teachers today have to be more cautious with what they do or the parents of these smartalec kids will jump down the principles throat because their kid(s) were disciplined and perhaps worse like sue the teacher in question. People are a mess these days!

  17. Good for you. Those kinds of comments are never acceptable, and the sooner they learn it, the better.



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