
Wednesday, October 2, 2019


After my fall that Monday, I wisely took Tuesday off. I had been scheduled for the same classes for Tuesday and Wednesday. While I was still limping about on Wednesday, my ankle was much, much better than it had been the day prior. I would have been in miseries if I had attempted the assignment on Tuesday.

The big problem was that the teacher traveled throughout the day. She co-taught for three periods, and she had her own classes for two.

I did not know this at the start of the day. I assumed she co-taught all day, so when I was not assigned keys, I did not worry.

When I arrived at the classroom for third period, the class waiting outside informed me that they had one teacher. Well, that wasn't a major problem. I got out my cell phone, called the office, and asked that they send someone to open the classroom.

For fourth and fifth periods, I went elsewhere. It was for sixth period that I returned to this classroom.

But right before sixth period is lunch. And security is busy supervising, so they couldn't come immediately to let me in the door. I kind of wanted to get in early so I could sit and wait for the end of lunch.

I got to the classroom, hoping the other teacher who uses the classroom second period (and who was also off at that moment) would be there. Alas, no.

I stood and pondered. The office was all the way at the front of campus while this classroom was near the back. There was no security in sight.

While I considered my options, one of the assistant principals appeared. I was shocked as this was not his usual part of campus. He let a student into a classroom nearby. It appeared that she had forgotten something inside, and the teacher wasn't there to let her in.

All the administrators carry keys that let them in any room. So, as he finished up with the student and her friends (I didn't catch much of the conversation, only something about him needing to talk to a parent whose phone number no longer worked), I approached. When he finished I politely asked if he could let me into the room across the way.

It was so nice to be able to sit for a bit before class. (I sat after class started, too.) It was so lucky that he happened by at that moment in time. Sometimes I'm just lucky.


  1. how fortuitous that the assistant principal showed up when you needed him.

    1. I know. Especially as he rarely ventures to that part of campus.

  2. I feel your pain. Hurt my foot recently, too. No fun limping around. Glad your luck paid off for you. Feel better! :)

  3. Good thing he happened by when he did.

  4. I work in a centuires-old elementary building with three flights of stairs. Ugh. I try to make the least possible trips each day. But, alas, I end up racking up the steps anyway.

    1. Climbing stairs is good for you ;) It's funny. When you try to avoid something, you end up having to do it more. Or is that just me?

  5. What a bad time to have to walk all across the school, even if it was better than on Tuesday. Poor Liz!

  6. Aww...hope your legs are better now. And yes, you are lucky!

  7. That was good luck/timing. Sorry you had to do all that walking, though. Hope you're feeling better now (or will be soon!)

  8. I was hoping for more drama in that story. I would like an alternate ending.

  9. Glad he happened by when he did and I am glad you are feeling better

  10. Wow..things sure change since I been school.
    Coffee is on

  11. Better to be Keyless than Clueless!

  12. I like it when good fortune happens.

  13. Sometimes the follies of the students pays off!


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