
Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Wrong Site

Considering how long I've been subbing, I'm surprised I haven't had this issue before.

I had called ahead a couple weeks prior for this assignment. "Mrs. Jones" at "school A". I've covered Cindy Jones' class several times, so I knew what I was in for. (Cindy Jones' room is pictured above.)

It was a pretty good morning, and I managed to get there fairly early. I went to check in.

"You're at [school B] today for [Rebecca Jones]."


I was told "school A".

A couple things were working in my favor. I was running early. And "school B" starts a half hour later than "school A".

I got to "school B" easily and checked in. It was a bit of mentally changing gears. Cindy Jones teaches English. Rebecca Jones teaches intro to health careers.

I blame the sub caller. She's new. As in, she's had the job for about a month. Mistakes happen.

(I did actually get a chance to chide her for this. She called me for a gig for the next day. I mean, I wasn't going to call her just to give her a hard time about the mixing up of the schools.)


  1. Good thing it worked out and the schools were close by! I can't imagine if it was "across town" and the traffic you might have encountered.

    Bet she doesn't make that mistake again. (I hope)


  2. Good think you were ahead of schedule!

  3. Works differently here. The schools have to find their own subs so there is a staff member at the school who rings so no confusion possible! Lucky the timing worked for you.

  4. Thank goodness you were early and that the school was close. Newbies always have to be broken in

    1. Yes, they do. It's hard when there are teachers with the same name. At least it wasn't a Brown. Who knows where I could have ended up?

  5. When I was subbing, the district had an automated system. It made phone calls, sent emails, and had a website that could be checked.

    Someone at the school logged onto the site to say they needed someone for their school, XYZ class, hours needed, and the system just found their replacement.

    Teachers could even log into the site to let the system know who their preferred subs should be so the system would give those people a higher priority. It was pretty cool.

    1. Ah yes, Subfinder... This district is antiquated. They refuse to invest in the software even though the teachers and subs would so much prefer it.

  6. Not sure how it works here. I know there a list for long and short term sub,
    Coffee is on

  7. Lucky the mix-up didn't end up in anything more stressful.

  8. Blimey I'm not sure I could handle this! Good job you're a seasoned pro!
    Wren x

    1. It's just surprising it hasn't happened before.


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