
Saturday, April 27, 2019

X: Wanted

Just a little something from the math class of Key Battle... 

Did your math teacher(s) have a weird sense of humor? What did you use for your X post?

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...


  1. Replies
    1. X is a rather obvious thing in math classes ;)

  2. I love this! Nope, my maths teachers were not this fun ;)
    My X is X = X & +

  3. Nope....I had a couple of teachers that just had fun in their voice and a joke here and there but mostly not. Math was one of those subjects that I am sure could be made fun, or maybe it was just me since I so did not like math. :)

    1. It definitely can be fun. It's just lately (having done a bunch of coteaching) I've noticed the math teachers have a weird sense of humor.

  4. Have to really be careful arresting this wanted character as you never know how powerful it might be.

  5. Two words - Flying chalk. That middle school math teacher, you did not fall asleep in his class.

  6. My tenth grade math teacher was the first person to use the saying: "If you talk to yourself you're a genius, if you start answering yourself, you're crazy. There's a thin line between genius and insanity." That was what I learned in math :-) - Dragons & Spaceships

  7. I recall my high school math teacher as being a cheerful guy. It didn't help me understand geometry though.

  8. None of my math teachers were funny in the slightest. But maybe you've seen my favorite math meme going around? It goes like this:

    "Dear Algebra,
    Stop asking us to find your X.
    She's not coming back.
    We don't know Y either."

    1. Yes, I've seen versions. My favorite meme is the one where there's a problem with "find X", and in pencil or something the X is circled and there's an arrow with "here it is".


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.