
Monday, January 21, 2019

Finishing Up Christmas Knitting

My Christmas knitting is almost at an end. I just finished up the last pair of ugly slippers... 

Since I never showed these off as I was knitting them, these are the pair that I finished before the green... 

And a shot of all four complete... 

Although, not quite. They'll require a bit more finishing before they're ready to be mailed off. I have yet to attach soles to the bottom so that one doesn't slip on slippery floors when one is wearing them. And the twins requested dinosaurs. A little sewing, that's all. 

And I'm doing a little designing. A walking purse... 

I still have a couple pieces to finish, and then assembly. I may write up the pattern eventually. 

And then HapkidoKid's 13th birthday was the day after Christmas. His birthday scarf is in progress... 

So, I have a few projects still. But, I'm closer to the end of them all than the beginning. Not too bad. 

(Ideally I would have had everything finished in time for Christmas. But I'm good with only being a month or so late. I'm better off than last year.)


  1. I like those ugly slippers. :) I used to have a pair of knitted slippers that I wore when it got cold.

    1. They're great. I used to have a pair, but I wore through them.

  2. Those slippers are perfect for me. I will hop on over to your sight.

    1. I don't have any up there, but if you contact me directly, we can design a pair just for you.

  3. The slippers are nice, although they're making my feet hot just looking at them. And I love that purse :)

  4. The little ones will appreciate them as they patter around quietly.

  5. The ugly slippers are so darn cute. The walking purse is cute, too. Sewing one is one of my projects this year.

  6. I have slippers I crocheted some years ago - I can't wear them because of the slippery soles. Never realized you could sew on non slip soles. Perhaps I could find the ones I made so many years ago. I don't think any of yours are ugly.

    1. If you do a search online, you'll find a whole bunch of different solutions for the soles. Puffy paint. Glue. Sewed on soles. Someone (or more than one, probably) did a whole Pinterest board with options. We're not the only ones who came on this problem.

  7. They look great. And yay for almost being done with Christmas. I still have a couple boxes to mail. Ergs!

  8. I like that walking purse. Let me know if it ever goes into your shop. Any color would be fine. My mom knitted slippers like that but she didn't put the sole things on it, clever for you to do so! Great work for keeping on getting the projects done!


  9. Love those slippers! I think "ugly" is a misnomer!

    1. I added the ugly. 16-year-old me (the one who first knit this pattern) thought they were. Although that same girl made herself several pairs as she liked to wear them when it was cold.

  10. Hey, with your work schedule, it's not like you can know in advance when you'll have enough down time to finish your projects. I'd say you're doing well!

  11. Ugly slippers? I must have missed a post. Why would you knit "ugly slippers"?

    What's a "walking purse"?

    These feel like really odd names for knitting projects.

    1. I didn't link to the post where I explained why I call them ugly. They're comfortable.

      And I didn't explain the whole concept of the walking purse. When I finish the thing, I'll probably do a post explaining why it is a walking purse.

  12. It's always nice when you get a project finished. That means you can start new ones to take forever to finish! LOL

    1. For me, it seems like I start a whole bunch of projects at the same time, and then I end up finishing them at about the same time, too.

  13. Love the slippers! I don’t think they are ugly and love the scarf colour. The purse is a good idea and now you can save these for next Christmas

    1. LOL... Nah, these are for the Christmas that I just missed.

  14. Late? You've done brilliantly for next Christmas!! I'm impressed :)
    Happy New Year to you... talking of late! haha
    Wren xx

    1. LOL... Funny. I could start next Christmas, but sizes change (for the growing boys) as do tastes.


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