
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Her Most Hated Class

Eighth grade math, first period. It was a class called integrated math 1, which is basically algebra 1. So, while these were eighth graders, these were the good eighth graders.

They had a worksheet. I passed it out. They settled and got to silent.

I had just settled in for a quiet period when the teacher returned. Ms. J was on campus in various planning meetings all day. (They do curriculum things, meet with newer teachers, and have various administrative stuff to take care of.) She set about getting what she needed.

The students? Not a peep.

Ms. J was waiting for something to print. She came over to me.

"This class, it drives me crazy."

I looked out at the quietly working class.

"They're always like this."

I suppose, when one is lecturing, one would prefer interaction with the students. I can see that. But I've been in other eighth grade classes where the students are more lively. And loud. And wild. And crazy.

I was rather enjoying the group.

I don't know if Ms. J realizes how good she has it.

Ah well. At least not all the periods were silent. (They were all on task, however. It was a good day.)


  1. You need to invite her to some of your worst classes. She'll change her mind about that one in a hurry.

  2. Her comment was funny, but I bet she was really glad that they were quiet and task oriented. Maybe she would like it better if it was the last class of the day instead of the beginning one; kind of like a good wind down after perhaps stressful periods.


  3. Proof that subjectivity exists everywhere! :)

  4. I was all, "Wait...what?" after that "They're always like this" comment. I could probably count the number of classes I taught like that on one hand.

    Glad the kids were on task all day for you. That's always the biggest win, isn't it?

  5. I'm with you. Give me a little peace and quiet any day. :) Have a great week!

  6. If she wants the students to engage more, she probably needs to be more engaging :P

    1. What? She said what? Was she serious?

      Have her sub in a class with Julio in it.

    2. I wonder if she has covered those classes. She'd change her tune right quick if she had.

  7. Wow! A group of kids on task and actually learning, and the teacher doesn't like it?

  8. I read "I passed out." LOL. It's been a long day:) Who complains about a quiet class?????

    1. I had to quickly check to make sure I didn't make a typo. I wouldn't put that past me.

  9. Don't tempt those kids. They will show her noisy.

  10. Interesting. Her take on the Ss' behavior would not be mine.

  11. Wow, I can’t imagine any of my friends complaining about a class like that

    1. I think it was compared to the rest of her day. Because that day was pretty good.

  12. I think "quiet" is a part of learning processes.
    have great day

  13. Maybe she's a person who thrives on chaos? I think I'd go insane myself if things got too wild. Much prefer quiet and well-behaved.

    1. Could be. Some teachers like their rooms "lively". Whatever works, eh?

  14. She should check in on your other, more lively classes. LOL

    1. I suspect she might. She has 6th period prep, so I'm sure she's asked to cover other teachers when they're short subs. But apparently she hasn't gotten the awful classes.

  15. What a strange comment from Mrs. J. I would think she'd be please they were all working....even with a sub.

  16. I am with Mrs J, classes like that drive me crazy! Granted in my everyday life I teach high school theatre (where I live in Australia the course is highly academic in addition to the practical side), but when I have to sub into other classes, silence weirds me out.

    True story, I once subbed an E2 Maths class (so year 12 kids who are doing the equivalent of university level maths, 3rd year uni type stuff), and the kids asked ME to stop talking because they were trying to learn. I think it is hysterical (one of them was in my theatre class as well, so they knew me well).

    1. Most classes that are talking, there will be a lull in the conversation at some point. And when that happens, someone will bellow, "Why did it get quiet in here?" I think silence weirds a lot of people out.

  17. That would be a lovely class in my books. It's usually the opposite!

    1. It is usually the opposite. Especially for 13-year-olds. But these are Stepford 13-year-olds.

  18. LOL the kids just can't win. Strange to have a good class drive you nuts.


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