
Friday, November 2, 2018


We made it to Friday. So, here's a quiz...

Rhymes with Truck

This one is pretty simple. Just put in all the words that rhyme with truck. Well, not that one. That one is "considered offensive". 

Find the other twenty words that rhyme with truck. You don't have to type them in any order. The quiz will alphabetize them for you. You have three minutes.

(I got 19/20 my first go. Then when I was writing up this post, I got 18/20. I forgot one. I wonder which one that was.)


  1. Hi Liz .. I enjoy these sorts of things ... but life a little tricky - which doesn't rhyme ... but I'm sure others will enjoy - cheers Hilary

  2. Ooh, I like word games. May have to try this one. Heh... And thank you for the kind support! I met yesterday's 1667 word goal in a little over two hours. Guess this rewrite really wants to come out! Be well.

  3. Got 75%; 15/20. Not too shabby for a Friday :)


  4. I was pleased when I got 'shuck'. :)

    1. Those are the hard ones, the ones with letter combos. Good job.

  5. That was a fun one. It's amazing how many words you can forget when you're put on the spot. I ended up with 18/20. I wonder if I would have been able to get more with more time :P

  6. I got the hard ones but not the easy ones. This was fun!

    1. I think sometimes it's easy to overthink these things and forget the easy ones.

  7. That was fun. I'm wildly disappointed that I only got 15. I play word games all the time, but I couldn't think of a single C word!

    1. To be fair, the C words you needed to use in combination. Things like St and Th are harder for me to come up with, too.

  8. HAHA....I stopped...I could not come up with any words, well I got three! haha....gotta play with this one.

    1. I love the rhyming ones because you can just go through the alphabet, replacing the "tr" sound with B, C, D, etc. Many letters give nothing, but a few just jump out at you.

  9. Good one, Liz. I managed 12. Interestingly, only earlier in the day, I played a couple of scrabble games with folks at home. Lots of word play today!

  10. The offensive one got stuck in my mind - it's the kind of week it's been. So, no quiz for me!

    1. I typed it in. First thing. Why not? Sometimes these things accept words like that. It is a word, after all.

  11. 12/20. I went through the alphabet ending in 'uck'. lol. I'm never good at these quizzes.

    1. That's the way I play it. Now, I just need a way to go through th, st, and such.

  12. 14/20. I apparently don't like C words. lol And shouldn't play while watching gardening videos. I lost like 20 seconds doing that. Ha!


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