
Friday, May 4, 2018


It was Friday at the continuation high school. Computer aided drafting. They had an assignment.

But it was Friday, 2nd period complained. They didn't do work on Fridays...

Apparently, they played games on Fridays. (Which I don't believe. But at a certain point, all I'm going to end up doing is arguing with them. So, I can spend the period arguing with them getting no work done. Or I can spend the period watching them get no work done. Some days the aggravation isn't worth it. I just make a note of it and let their teacher deal with them upon his return.)

Of course, they had to play the game of the moment, Fortnite.

My job puts me in the position of hearing what the most popular stuff of the moment is. Right now, it's a game. Everybody is playing it. I hear about the game at least once a day, but most of the time more. That includes days where the kiddos are actually on task.

So, if you have a teenager around you, slip the name into conversation. I bet they're playing. If not, they've heard of it.

As I'd given up on arguing that they should work. I was just listening in to the conversation...

They were taking offense at a fellow player's screen name. Toesucker*** (I can't remember what the number after it was). They were wigged out by the name.

"Who does that? Why would you even want to touch someone's foot...?"

I wisely kept my mouth shut. Ah, the innocence of youth.

If only they spent their time doing their work.


  1. I wish you had explained what Fortnite was. I'm too lazy to google it, but hearing you talk about it reminded me that I have heard at least four children in the last two weeks utter that they are obsessed with Fortnite videos on YouTube. Again, I didn't bother to ask them what these were. I suppose one of these days I will actually see what Fortnite is and not have to lift a finger. It will just be right there on a place I click on.

  2. Pick your battles. That's good advice no matter who you are. ~grin~ Be well!

  3. I've heard lots of talk about Fortnight since hubby and I follow gaming and gamers on youtube.

    1. Maybe then you can explain to us what this game is all about? Please?

  4. I have no clue what that new game is as for the name "toesucker"..I don't blame them. This morning I had a client who just had to show me her horrible feet which were red, scaly and her 2nd and 3rd toe were completely fused together!

  5. I had a similar experience with my kids when talking about certain subjects. "Ew!" They said, "Who does that?!" My faith in them was renewed.

    1. Sometimes they do have it right, don't they?

      I can't find your blog. Could you leave a link?

  6. Its always something "new" that they are getting into, isn't it? Something to keep them distracted from doing their work. But I agree, it is good to choose your battles and let the regular teacher deal with things upon their return.


  7. My two Barbarians and all their friends play Fortnite. The Hub and I checked it out to make sure it was appropriate first.

    It's a strategy focused survival action game - but it's the last man standing version (Fortnite: Battle Royale) that everyone is playing. It pits up to 100 players against each other in single, pair or up to four-player squads to see who survives the longest against each other in an ever-shrinking map. It has a cartoonish style, and the violence isn't bloody/gory, even though you're using weapons and firearms to eliminate opponents. There also isn't profanity (although if you play with 'randoms' they may use foul language).

    Yes, it is very distracting but we limit screen time as much as is possible (hard when all school work is done on a computer!).

  8. I have to agree on the toe sucking.

    I'm totally out of the loop on games, but everyone else in my house plays games on their phones, including my wife. I'll have to ask them about it.

  9. I really think these games on line are ruining our kids.

    1. I don't know. Are they any different than the games we played as kids? I mean, besides being computer based.

  10. It's a Ewwww from here too. Although I did smile as toesucking came up this week on a TV programme about the Wives of Windsor, it's royal wedding count down here, a reminder of Fergie's most famous royal tootsies incident. Sorry I digress!
    Thanks for keeping me on-trend with what's up and trendy with the youth of today. I will have to ask my kids!
    Wren x

    1. I'm sure they've heard of it. (If they haven't, they get to get ahead of their peers.)

  11. I haven't heard of Fortnite yet. I wonder if my son knows about it. I get so frustrated with video games and YouTube. They're time-suckers. If my kid spent as much time doing homework and cleaning around the house as he does watching that garbage, things would be so much better.

    1. I'm sure he's heard of it. He's exactly the age range that's into it right now.

  12. I've never understood toesucking either. Yuk! I believe it's big in England. My girlfriend had an English boyfriend and ... I heard the stories! Eeeeurrrgh.

    1. Oh, really? That definitely helps with context.


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