
Friday, April 6, 2018

Forgot Something

As I was planning out this week...

It was a weird day at the middle school. I had a "roving" assignment. I was only covering periods 1-3 for Mr. R, so I had arrived before 1st period, and he was telling me what his classes were doing. His phone rang...

After writing the student a pass and putting it on his empty desk, Mr. R went back to telling me what I needed to know. He left for his meeting before the students started arriving.

A student approached me. He had found his pass. But where was he to go?

I looked over the pass. Everything was filled out except for the destination. And I hadn't thought to ask Mr. R when he got the call.

Oh well. I knew whoever wanted the student would eventually call back. I told the student to wait.

Less that two minutes after the bell, we got a call. Sure enough, they were calling for the student. (They needed him in the discipline office.) I sent him on his way...

Then, a few minutes after that, a student brought in a call slip from the office. It was a pass for the student.

I guess they really, really needed to talk to him in the discipline office.

(The student returned to class. He didn't look stressed. So, whatever was up, it wasn't too terrible for him.)

As I was planning out this week, I was jotting down posts when I had free time in class. I had had time to jot down the title for this post before getting called away to deal with other things. When I got some time the next day to start sketching out this post, for the life of me I couldn't remember what the title referred to.

I wracked my brains. I went through each and every class I covered for the whole week. It wasn't coming to me. I gave up and scratched out the title from my list.

Upon arriving home, I went through my pictures to get them ready for my posts. And in the picture for this post was that pink pass. And it all came back to me. Whew.

What was the last thing your forgot that drove you crazy trying to remember? Did you eventually remember? Did any of your post titles inadvertently come true in a bizarre way?

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...


  1. I'm at an age where my short-term memory is disappearing fast. I pray that it's hormonal (or lack thereof) and not early onset Alzheimers. I would tell you the last thing I forgot, but sadly, that's no longer possible.

  2. Hi Liz. I am really enjoying reading about your teaching life. It's always an adventure, isn't it?

  3. Yes, I've been in that place. Names of old friends or actors are top of the list. How to find a place with verbal directions is also up there.

  4. Something I can’t remember? When my daughter was in teen travel camp, her group really loved a certain song. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember what song it was. I suppose I could ask her, but I don’t think I want to deal with her cross exam about why I want to know.

    1. Funny how it's things like that that just slip our minds...

  5. I think I forgot the last thing I forgot.

  6. You made today's post work, so no worries.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    My A to Z’s of Dining with IC
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. I would have made it work somehow. That's kind of how I roll with A to Z.

  7. I forget a lot of things nowadays. The senior years aren't as golden as you might think. Alana

  8. I've forgotten the last time I forgot, which probably was within the last several hours. If it was important I may remember as I fall asleep.

  9. Hmmmm, didn't look stressed? Maybe cause he did not arrive in the office where they were wanting him? I tend to forget a lot, I like to think it is cause I have too much going on in my head...haha

    1. Nah. These were the advanced kiddos, so I suspect it might not have been about him. Although, in middle school you never can tell.

  10. I'm too busy reminding SO things to remember what I forgot. Ha! Be well.

  11. I sometimes have a brainwave about a post then forget all about it. It's frustrating!

  12. I've had that happen to me too. I'm glad you were able to remember!


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.