
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Alphabet Filing Cabinet

It's April. You know what that means...

So, yeah, saw this in class last week. That's one way to decorate. 🙂

The plan for today is to get some of these alphabet posts written. I have planned some of them out. If all goes well, by the time I go to bed tonight, I should be done with all my posts through M (excluding H). Wish me luck. 😉

Are you ahead on your A to Z posts (if you're doing the challenge)? What letter are you up to?

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...


  1. Hi Liz - I'm catching my tail too ... but love that filing cabinet - clever ... cheers Hilary

  2. Hi, Liz. I remember decorating my frig with those letters when I had a young one at home! I've written A through I - and am stuck on a couple of letters now. Alana

  3. I love the alphabet filing cabinet and recall seeing these letters on my friend’s fridge. I am up to the letter N and plan to write the rest this coming week.

  4. I got all my posts finished yesterday. Just in time to be able to focus on visiting people.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    My A to Z's of Dining with IC
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  5. Replies
    1. I wish I could take credit for it. I just found it that way ;)

  6. Just checked out the challenge link. Wow. Impressive undertaking.

    Happy Easter,

  7. My file cabin isn't in alphabet order, It done in Dora order.
    Coffee is on

  8. I wound up doing an A post but didn't get signed up in time for the challenge officially. Ah well. Good luck with your planning!

  9. Oh my, I am winging it. That’s not a good sign. But I am enthusiastic!

  10. My initial plan was to write one post per day during March. Yeah, that didn't work out, hahaha!
    I do have the grand layout, though, most pictures and some content. I am ready to post up until F. G and H need some finishing touches, the rest is work in progress, as they like to say.
    Happy A-Z!

  11. I decided to skip A to Z this year. Glad to see you're participating, though. Good luck!

  12. Good luck with the challenge. I never wrote posts ahead when I did it and was always stressed.

    1. I generally only write a week ahead, but as this is spring break, I won't have any new subbing stories, so I can totally get ahead.

  13. Alphabetical archive pic was a great way to start- we all need a filing cabinet like that if we printed our stuff and i loved seeing the Beanie hat in process too. Best of luck for the month's challenge. My blogspot's not signed up for the challenge, My official response blog is with WP (The Wishing Well)but i'm blogging a daily sky and a quick alphabetical word to keep myself company here a few mins a day for a break and fresh air. best wishes for the month's challenge. i'll visit again around the weekend and see some more of your posts.

  14. I'm a filing cabinet fan. The one in my home office looks nothing like this one--mine's plain black with no decoration--but this one is certainly appropriate for a children's classroom.

    Have a great April A to Z!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  15. I was doing okay, working my way through some 10,000 images. I prepped my posts, for the most part, through the end of this week (the second week in the challenge) since my husband and I had travel plans the first week of April (California) and this upcoming weekend. (Weekends are when I get the most blogging done.) Well, I went to edit images while on the return flight home from California and within an hour of being in the air (of a 4 hour flight), water was spilled on my laptop. And now it won't start. I'm so frustrated. Now I'm using borrowed/slow laptops to write comments and keep up with blogging as best I can, but I can't get any pictures edited. So I'm slowly falling behind with April A-Z until I can either get my laptop replaced or fixed.

    Anyway, sorry to vent on your blog. Hopefully things are going much better for you with A-Z than me. (It looks like it.)

    And I do love that filing cabinet for the challenge and for use by a teacher! It's really fun looking!

    1. Venting, no problem. So sorry. I hope you get your computer fixed or replaced soon.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.