
Wednesday, January 10, 2018


For the last week before winter break, I covered a math class. (Ms. C teaches four different classes--well six, but four, kinda. Long story.) Before lunch was the statistics class.

The assignments for the week were also "winter break homework". And also, for the most part they were online (so, technically they were due Sunday night). So, while I encouraged them to get something done ("No homework over the break!"), I wasn't terribly concerned with getting everyone on task.

(Some classes can't have this kind of leeway. The kiddos will tear the room up. But these students... These were the advanced math classes. They wouldn't get here unless they generally do their work. And many of those not on task were actually doing work for other classes. So, yeah, they get laissez faire me.)

It wasn't until the bell that I noticed the sleeping student. (I really should have noticed him earlier, though.)

"Bell rang. Lunch time. Time to go."

He didn't budge. So, I gently shook his shoulder. When that didn't wake him, I slammed a door (the door to the computer cart). I tried his shoulder again...

I mean, it's lunch time. He has to want to go to lunch...

(I want to go to lunch. And hit the restroom, which I can't do until after the room is empty of students.)

I kept at it, and eventually he woke. Groggy. It took him a bit to get to coherent. The empty room probably startled him, too.

All he wanted to do was go back to sleep. And now I felt bad. I thought he'd want to know class was over, but he didn't much care.

But I kinda needed the restroom. And I only had that half hour to myself. If I let him sleep...

Sometimes I gotta be selfish. At least, that's what I tried to tell myself.


  1. I feel bad for him, too, but ...I agree with you.

  2. Awww he can go sleep at the nurse's office then. At least you tried to wake him!

    1. I hadn't thought of that. Although, they'd have just sent him back, I imagine.

  3. He shouldn't be sleeping anyway. If he's that tired, he should go home.

  4. That's a bit how I am with my parenting... the constant debate of whether or not I want to be selfish. Sometimes, tough love is necessary.

  5. He must have been really tired. Maybe he was up late the night before or something.

  6. I'm glad he wasn't sick. Or I hope not, anyway. You did the right thing, I think.

    1. Nah. He seemed fine (and alert) the next day.

  7. Blessings and Happy New Year.
    Wow for him to be sleeping that hard he must have been super tired. Worrying though as he should be paying attention in class.

    1. On this day not so much. It was just bookwork, no lecture.

  8. That's impressive for him to be able to sleep through all of that.

  9. I wonder what he took to be that groggy? I have been tired but when I am that groggy it’s because I passed out from being drunk or my blood sugar was way too low since I suffer from hypoglycaemia. So I wonder if this kid has an illness he doesn’t know about or he took something...just a thought

    1. Could be. It could also be he's a teen who stayed up way too late.

  10. Nothing should get between a teacher and the toilet at break time.

  11. He may have been up all night playing computer games or he might have had no sleep for a reason that wasn't his fault. I would have done the same. I need my break.

    1. Yeah, without asking, I have no idea why he was so tired.

  12. That's some heavy sleeping! Wonder what kept him up the night before.


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