
Friday, January 26, 2018

A Yellow

Boy 1: "Why does your shirt say 'pink' when it's gray?"

Boy 2: "I see those shirts all the time, and they're never pink."

The girl, not sure what the big deal was, gave some sort of explanation. I figured I needed to jump in.

Me: "'Pink' is the brand name."

Boy 1: "Well, that's a stupid brand name." He flailed about, trying to come up with a good analogy. "It's like your name being..." He failed to come up with anything that made sense.

Me: "Brand names are brand names. A color is a perfectly valid name for something."

Boy 1: "No. It's like her name being... It's like this," and he indicated his orange, "was called 'a yellow'."

I pointed out that was a terrible analogy as the color was named after the fruit.

Boy 1: "Well, it's still stupid."

I don't disagree. (I have a bad habit of taking the opposite view when someone starts saying something that is not necessarily wrong is wrong. Even when I agree.) For a long time I couldn't figure out the "Pink" shirts. But as the shirts are innocuous, I stopped dedicating much thought to them.

I shrugged and walked away. Later, the boy called me over.

"Can I eat my yellow?" He indicated his orange.

Since eating in class is discouraged, I said no.

The boy continued to refer to his orange as his "yellow". Even the next day.

If that's the hill he wants to die on...


  1. Yep....teens just don't know when to let things go.....think I will go eat a lemon now!!

    1. I kind of hope he continues to call it a yellow every time I see him for the rest of his high school career.

  2. Replies
    1. Par for the course. If only he had a better argument. Maybe that'll come in time.

  3. Funny the stand some people take on the dumbest things.

  4. I had someone ask me why my purple sweatshirt say pink on the back. Yeah, if you aren't familiar with the brand, then it's certainly confusing. But still, if he's unwilling to be flexible...

    1. It is confusing, but as they're everywhere, I'd think people would be used to them by now.

  5. Okay, that's pretty funny. I never understood advertising a store name, especially on my rear end like I see Pink apparel around here. ~shudders~ Now, buy me a Disney villain or concert T-shirt and I'm happy as a clam. Heh...

    1. Yeah, if he wanted to argue the ubiquitousness of brand names... Nah, I still would have taken the opposing view. That's what I do.

  6. If he ever studied etymology, he'd be in for a rude awakening when it comes to things being called names for stupid, stupid reasons.

  7. I think calling an orange 'yellow' is funny. Mine tastes like purple, btw.

  8. ::snort:: Brand names can be goofy. I don't think I've seen the PINK ones yet.

  9. Bring a lemon and call it your purple.

  10. Ha! I am the same way, arguing the opposite point even if I don't agree with it. I think it's the Libra in me.

  11. To be fair, orange juice tends to look more yellow, at least to me. I didn't know the colour was named after the fruit, so a school day for me too!

  12. lol. I love that he called his orange a "yellow". That would have made me laugh.

    The Pink brand is pretty ridiculous, but at least girls aren't running around with "Victoria's Secret" printed on their butts. That would be even more awkward.

    1. Anything printed on one's butt I take issue with. But yeah, it was pretty funny.

  13. I kind of hate the Pink line. I worked a Christmas season at Victoria's Secret years ago, so I think I earned the right to hate Pink. And I totally agree with you about taking issue with anything written across someone's butt. Just no. It never fails to amaze me that people wear stuff like that to court regularly.

    1. *raises eyebrows*
      Of course, those that go to court regularly don't really have any concept of proper societal behavior. What with the going to court regularly and all.

  14. "Can I eat my yellow?" Bahahaha. I would have laughed.

    1. At the time I was dealing with other issues so I didn't have time to laugh. But yea, it was funny.


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