
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Gross Anatomy

Anatomy and Physiology. They were working on a review for their Integumentary System unit. (Yeah, I have no idea what that means, either.)

They had laptops "for reference" as well as their textbooks. And as I do, I walked the room and specifically looked at computer screens to make sure they were not watching a soccer match, a fight, or playing that pool game that they all seem to be on about these days.

I didn't see much of that. However, what I did see was kind of disturbing. And gross. And completely on task.

Part of their assignment was to look up various skin ailments. And illustrate them.

Some were drawing. Others had printed pictures and were cutting and gluing them down to their papers. And the images...

I'm squeamish. I found it best if I didn't look too closely.

At least they were on task. And it was pretty easy to spot those that weren't. I could actually look at what they were doing.


  1. Oh, wow. ~shudders~ I can't imagine the point of this unless they're planning on becoming doctors. How old was this group?

    1. Juniors and seniors, so 16 or 17. They have to take an extra year of science, so many opt for this rather than physics.

  2. Harley's CNA class studied the Integumentary system recently. She was to give a presentation to her class. She made a cake to represent the different layers of skin and used chocolate chips to represent warts and colored sugar to represent dry patches. It was quite cute.

    1. Ah, that sounds much better than the pictures I was seeing.

  3. Oh man, that does sound super gross. I am very glad that I'm not in that class.

  4. HAHA...the one time they do what they are supposed to the teach wishes they would not show those pics! haha....I love it.

    1. Yeah, well, some classes do do what they're supposed to :)

  5. Yeah, gross. But at least they were on task

  6. I know what the integumentary system is :) Since I'm there in the operating room when the surgeons are dictating (not really but they are going through what they are doing) I find it all interesting. I wonder though if I was actually there in person how it would be :)

    Glad for the most part they were on task :)


  7. Wow. I've learned something new. I had absolutely never heard of it and I pride myself on my medical knowledge what with being a hypochondriac.

    1. I'm sure, then, that you've seen the pictures they were looking at. Boils and such.

  8. Oooh Gross! but if they could spend time painting the images that might be OK. Medical slides and closeups look pretty cool, just not in context.

    1. Some were drawing them, so yeah, that wasn't so bad. But they signed up for the class, so I assume they aren't as squeamish as me.


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