
Friday, December 22, 2017


"Oh no. He didn't!"

"You didn't, really?"

"Ewww! I saw him."

"He ate glue!"

"Why would you do that?"

"Who ate glue?"

"I was dared."

"But, but... You ate glue? Are you sick?"

"It's non-toxic."

"He really ate glue?"

A cacophony of voices. All on one topic.

7th grade world history. 6th period (naturally). They had a choice of four assignments to work on, and they had a test the next day.

But what do they do instead...?

Note: Our last day of school before the break was Thursday. For the remainder of the year and until we go back (for two weeks), I'll be on my "summer schedule". If you haven't gone on hiatus, I'll see you around.


  1. That makes me think of the story I loved hearing my teacher read as a kid. It was "How to Eat Fried Worms" and I think the glue would be preferable. ~grin~ See you around!

    1. Ah yes, I read that one. At least worms have protein...

  2. Didn't we all eat paste/glue when we were in 1st grade? These kids have come to glue-eating really late. ;)

    1. After school as I was checking out, I told this story to the secretary and one of the other teachers. The other teacher said it sounded like a kindergartener. I said it was 7th grade. She said that explained it.

  3. I knew a kid who did that. I think it was in sixth or seventh grade, too. He was also dared, although weirdly he ASKED if anyone would dare him to do it.

  4. I remember coating my hands in Elmer’s glue and peeling it off when it was dry. But eating glue?

    1. And it was Elmer's! (At least, I only spied one bottle of glue--the teacher hadn't left any out--and it was Elmer's.)

      Yeah, I loved to peel it off of my hands, the desk, etc.

  5. What was that glue of long ago (don't know if they still make it) but you needed the equivalent of a wooden stick to get it out and spread it on whatever you were gluing. The name escapes me but the smell instantly came to mind. I might have licked it once or twice in my youth.

    Enjoy your winter break!


  6. Wish I had a winter break, because it sure is going to be a cold week of commuting to work after Christmas is over (lows near zero, apparently). Brrrrr. Alana

    1. If you knew what we're shivering under, you'd laugh. Because it's been cold here too. For us. (For the rest of the country, yeah, there'd be laughter involved.)

  7. Glue....I know small children eat all sorts of strange things but this is not a small child......not sure I will ever understand teens these days.

    1. 7th grader. Kind of like the senior year of childhood ;)


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