
Thursday, November 30, 2017


I arrived at the continuation high school. Checked in. The secretary informed me that I was going to cover a different teacher than I had been told. I laughed.

Considering how the week before Thanksgiving break had gone thus far, I should have expected this.

Most of the time I get assignments several days ahead. Before the week, I had every day for the week scheduled. Only Monday went as planned.

Tuesday at check in, the secretary informed me that the teacher I was there to cover wasn't going to the thing he would have needed a sub for. Naturally, this was the one day where all the teachers were covered. (There are many days where there are more teachers out than there are subs.)

I have been in this position before. (It doesn't happen as often as it used to, though.) They found office work for me until another teacher had to leave unexpectedly. As it turned out, it was a very lucky thing that I was there.

Wednesday I was supposed to cover the same teacher as Tuesday. But, knowing the issue ahead, I was able to get my Wednesday assignment switched by Tuesday afternoon.

As for Friday, I got the heads-up for that on Monday. I was to cover 7th grade science for Mr. N. The secretary informed me that she was going to switch me to Ms. D who also teaches 7th grade science. Ms. D had requested me (and had put the request in ages ago).

So, yeah, I shouldn't have been surprised to get that switch on Thursday.

I like knowing where I'm going so I can set my alarm, get up at a leisurely pace, and get to the schools in plenty of time. (It can be a mad scramble when I get called that morning.) But once I'm at the schools, it doesn't much matter to me if I'm swapped from one teacher to another. I walk into classes cold most of the time anyway.

This is the life of a sub. Every day is different.


  1. Yes, that's got to be the draining part is to always be prepared for anything without actually getting to be prepared prepared.

    1. One gets accustomed to it. Or one doesn't last as a sub.

  2. Hi Liz - I can imagine life can be very varied ... glad you can so easily cope - cheers Hilary

  3. How nice that they gave you office work to do. And fortuitous. I think substitute teaching would be my choice out of the education profession. ~grin~ Thanks for asking about my NaNoWriMo efforts. I'm coming into the home stretch, taking a break while formulating thoughts on where today's writing will go with these last six hundred words. Be well!

    1. When it's their mistake, they still have to pay me for the day. Might as well make me earn it ;)

  4. You're too good. They all want you to cover their classes.

  5. I think that would be frustrating not to know where you're going to be working some mornings.

    1. It's the nature of the gig. Those who really hate it don't last very long. (Most are looking for full time work, anyway.)

  6. Oh my so much changing each day o_o

    1. This week has been weird--I've covered the teacher I expected to cover each day :)

  7. Oh I can see about wanting to know ahead of time where you will be going. A change at the school would not be such a big deal but a change of school or late notice would be an issue. I have to have some sort of routine and if I have to rush to get ready that blows the routine out of the water and the day is a mess after that...not sure how subbing works but I hope that your schools are not a terrible long drive.

    1. They generally don't change schools on us. Well, that's not entirely true, now that I think about it...

  8. Man, it seems that you roll with punches really well!

  9. This could be confusing to try to keep it all straight!


  10. I don't think I'd like that. I like having a little more routine.

  11. I know what you mean. It requires a lot of energy switching classes all the time. It takes a special person to do it!

    1. It's nice not be in the same place day after day. But it's kinda nice to have an idea of where tomorrow is going to be.

  12. It's good that you aren't bothered by these changes. That is one of the things I hated about 'floating' at the hospital. I like to know ahead of time. Loved the 'sameness' of the nursing home!

    1. Floating is a lot like substitute teaching in the nursing world, isn't it?


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