
Monday, August 28, 2017

Updating Pictures

I haven't much felt like knitting lately. But I have been taking pictures. It's "update the photos" time (long overdue).

First, I finally got some of those keychains that I was making listed...

Lavender Beaded Keyper Keychain

Copper Colored Beaded Keyper Keychain

Black Marble Knitted Keyper Keychain

Then I took some new pictures of my lip balm holders...

Lip Balm Cozy in Lavender

Bottom View of Multi-Colored Lip Balm Cozy

It's still a work in progress. (And I discovered I can list things on my Facebook page. I had no idea.)

If you're on Facebook and don't follow Zizi Rho Designs already, I would appreciate the follow. Thanks. And I've also been playing a bit with my Pinterest, too, if anyone is there as well. 


  1. I like the one with the lip balm. I carry some with me everywhere, so that would be perfect.

  2. That second pic makes me think of a heavily beaded Dreadlock.

  3. I'm going to show the lip balm holder to Harley when she gets home from school. She has a lanyard for her school ID, lunch card, house key and always looses the lip balm. Or I wash it! What a brilliant idea.

  4. Good stuff. The copper chain looks like a gnarled old tree branch to me.

  5. I might need a holder for artificial tears - just diagnosed with dry eye, alas. I've followed you on Pinterest. Alana

    1. Thanks. I could probably do that, given the dimensions of the bottle :)

  6. I like the lip balm holders. Perfect! And they won't get lost at the bottom of your purse that way! :)

  7. They all look great and it looks so detailed to me with the beads. I also like the lip balm holders. I was looking in a magazine and I saw something that made me think of you. It was in an IKEA catalogue for the bathroom and it was knitted holders that would hang on hooks to hold brushes, etc... I thought it was a neat idea

    1. I've seen a pattern for something like that. I may have to break down and make that sometime.

  8. I liked your page on Facebook :) Great pictures of all your creations!


  9. Your artistic Liz now I'm hanging my head in shame, lol.

  10. I know that feeling about knitting. There's lots I want to get made, but the motivation to do it is lacking. ><

    1. It's just a matter of knowing what to work on sometimes.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.