
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Odd Egg

I had just gotten back from the grocery store. I wasn't feeling great (this cold is mild, but it lingers), and working roofers snarled traffic, so parking my car became more of an issue than it usually is.

Oh well. I was home. 

As I walked into the house, I managed to just miss the door, but cushioned by the bag of groceries held in front of me. The bag of groceries that housed the dozen eggs... 


Yup, I had smashed the egg carton, but luckily, I only managed to break one egg. A minor miracle. 

I managed to put the groceries away with no other incident, and I went on with my day. But one thought lingered. I now had an odd number of eggs. 

Silly, I know. But I never use just one egg. It seems like everything requires two. Which meant that unless I found some use for it, I would forever have that extra egg out there. Lingering. I'd never be able to get to even.

Ah well.

The next day at breakfast, I scrambled two eggs. After, I went to rearrange my eggs. I lost the carton they came in, so there was a bit of a juggle to house them in some way. And as I went to put that last egg somewhere... Splat.

It slipped out of my and and ended up on the floor in a big yellow mess.

This is what I get for complaining about one odd egg. Here is where I roll my eyes.

(Yes, it was a slow week. This is the sort of thing that would make an excellent stick figure comic, if I could do that sort of thing.)


  1. LOL. I know what you mean though about having that extra odd egg. Life is off balance until I figure a way to use it (usually will throw it in for a 5 egg omelette for the two of us where we usually just do 2 eggs apiece).


  2. I am very protective of eggs when I shop. Coming from India where eggs where a luxury and how my father explained us the value of food, I get very much upset if I waste an egg. Kudos to you for saving that one.

  3. Dozen minus 2! I have some silly OCD thoughts and adventures, having pairs of eggs are not it! It would not bother me to have an odd count. HAHA

    1. So, you use one egg at a time? My issue is I always use them in pairs.

  4. WOO! Shoutout! Also that is exactly the kind of thing I would comic about.

  5. I had made this cake that took three eggs. It could have been a solution. Ah well, life balanced back out.

    1. Yes, that would have worked. Had the egg not fallen, I probably would have done something like that.

  6. Do you not like a boiled egg on a salad? Yum. Sorry about the mess. Hope you feel better.

  7. Oh well thank goodness, now you won't have to stress about odd numbers.

  8. This made me laugh. Although I know exactly what those kinds of days feel like!

    1. Good. I'm glad. It's good to laugh these days.

  9. I enjoy a good slap up breaky with some eggs myself. I guess the eggs were out of sync with the laws of motion, ah heck I think I need some of your schooling. I'm just a dumb trekker.

  10. Poor eggs, sad they both had to go the way they did. Now you are even :)

  11. They won't last long in my household

    1. They don't last long in mine, either. Even when they aren't slipping from my hands.

  12. Replies
    1. As soon as the egg hit the floor, that's exactly what I was thinking.

  13. We have 5 dozen eggs in our fridge at present. I eat one a day. Weird I know.

    1. Yeah, well you keep chickens, so that's to be expected. If I only ate one a day, this wouldn't have been a problem.

  14. Well I guess that all worked out haha

  15. Ugh. I'm sorry. Guess you should have had 3 eggs for breakfast that morning? ;) Then again, the egg probably still would have slipped and you would have still had to deal with odd numbers of eggs. *sigh* That's the way things go sometimes.

    1. Three eggs is too much. One egg is too little. Hence, the odd egg issue. Ah well. It all worked out in the end.


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