
Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday Again

So, um, yeah, it's been a few days since I visited you all. I'll be by soon. I hope. 

(I'm not sick sick. Just a mild cold. And rather than pushing through it, I've been laying low. Lots of TV watching. Not much else.) 

So, a pretty picture for today. More beads on keychains. 

What color is your keychain?


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Nothing bad like a summer cold. I don't really have a key chain other than the chain that holds the 2 keys on it. I used to collect key chains once though :)


  2. Best thing for a cold! At least I think so...
    My key chain is a Dream Theater symbol.

  3. Not a summer cold. Those are the worst. You definitely want to rest so it won't get any worse.

    My key chain is just a silver ring. I tend to go for plainer things, although I do think the ones you made are cute.

  4. Hope you feel better! I just have the plain ring to hold all my keys together

  5. I like how the beads looks. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Sleep and watching tv is the best thing to do. This is a nice keychain. I don't really have any keychains, just a bunch of keys on different rings but if I had one, it would be in blues

  7. Beads are lovely! My favorite would be a comb of electric blue and emerald green.

    This day has been an in-bed day for me in a dark room, listening to music. Somedays are like that.

  8. I so hope you feel better! It's understandable to lay low when feeling unwell. I have a collection of key chains ranging from a Smurf to a lacquered miniature guitar. Because electronic key fobs are so big now I am not using any of them. ~sigh~ Take care!

  9. Get well soon, Liz. I remember making keychains from lanyards in summer camp. Right now my only keychain is the one using the chain, and it's been that way for years. Unimaginative, I know. Alana

    1. This seems to be the most popular response. Nothing wrong with that. It's a rather utilitarian object, anyway.

  10. Caribbean blues and greens for me :) Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Black with white polka dots and my name Pam across it in green. Hope you shake the ugly seasonal stuff fast.

  12. I'm in bed with a cold too. First one I've had for ages. Hope you feel better soon :)

  13. So sorry to hear you are unwell. Summer colds are the pits. Hope the tellie at least is OK company.

    1. I have several movies that have been sitting there for ages. Time to dive in.

  14. I hope you're feeling better. I have a huge wad off stuff on my keys: a black and silver self defense spike, a pink flip flop with my name and an orange flip flop with Emma's name (I know that's kind of bizarre, but my dad bought them on a business trip years ago, and I loved that he remembered Emma, too, so they've been on my keys ever since), and a green one from the body shop I take my car too. It has been hit so many times that this is my third key chain from them. I decided to keep it with the car key since it has their phone number on it. I'm hoping it will work like an umbrella, if you bring it you don't need it.

    1. Keychain as good luck charm. I hope it works :)

  15. Dang on the cold. Hope you're all mended! I'm catching up on visits, too. My keychain is black and white and has the blog's cat on it :)

  16. I do love that color.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)


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