
Friday, July 28, 2017

What Song Do You Hate (or Not)

I'm not a big fan of Playbuzz quizzes. They are clearly clickbait. They have so many extraneous pieces, and the questions take forever to load. But I was just meandering around my Facebook feed and this one popped up. And I got curious, so I took it.

Go ahead. Try it. (Assuming your internet connection is pretty good. These quizzes are a nightmare if you're having loading problems. Or, even if you're not sometimes.)

Back now?

How'd you do? Did you get a song you hate?

I'm curious. There are a couple songs that I can't stand. I have to turn off the radio when they come on. I knew this quiz wasn't going to pinpoint any of those, but I had hopes. Not high hopes, but tepid hopes...

And... The quiz chose a song I actually like. It's not a favorite, but it was high up on my "I like this" list when it first came out. Now, it's pleasant enough. So, the quiz failed miserably at finding a song I hate.

How did it do for you?

What song did it think I must hate? (Must have been because I said I like rainy days...)

Have a happy weekend :)


  1. I got

    "The song you hate right now is "Fancy!" You heard it and right away you were annoyed. It plays everywhere and you're hearing "Who dat, who dat" in your sleep. If it plays one more time you're "'bout to blooooow."

    Never heard of the song or the band/singer. I'll have to go back and listen to it and then see if I truly would have hated it :)

    Happy weekend to you too!


  2. I need to write, so I'm passing on the quiz but thanks for sharing. It reminds me of the fact I started carrying CD's into the car not because of the music but the bloody commercials! It didn't used to be bad but my former favorite college station hasn't been playing anything I like for some reason.

    1. I know what you mean. There are times when all they play just suuuuucks.

  3. I got the song from Frozen 'Let It Go' I actually don't hate that song but I sure couldn't listen to it a lot. And I actually like the 'Happy' song a lot!! Hope you have a great weekend.

  4. I also got "Let it Go" from Frozen. I don't dislike the song, but I must admit that the whole Frozen craze got annoying real quick because apparently I look exactly like Elsa.... At least I got a song that I know. Never heard of the one you got.

    1. Really? You'd never heard "Happy"? Interesting...

      Because of the Frozen craze, people can finally say my last name. Sort of.

  5. I got Fancy by Iggy Azalia and I am not a lover of this song at all and I would turn it off if it came on. Now I will see what comes up when I answer the opposite and see if it picks a song I actually like:)

  6. Ok so I answered the questions with the opposite of what I normally would and I got Frozen...which I hate! If I had to listen between Fancy and Frozen, I would choose Fancy..hahahaaa

    1. So, not so much a quiz fail for you ;) Interesting.

  7. Well, it wasn't wrong. I never heard "All About That Bass" and I couldn't get five notes into it without wanting to stab an ice pick through my ear.

  8. I got Fancy, too I've heard of Iggy Azalea but I definitely would not enjoy her music. Well, maybe it will remove the Singing Trump singing Rock Your Body earworm I've had for over a week. Alana

    1. I will skip that, then. That earworm sounds horrid.

  9. I also got "Fancy"...and I dont like that song. But I cant say I've heard it in a while. In fact I was trying to think of her name a while ago when her (ex?)bf's name came up in a sports conversation and all I could remember was "that annoying Aussie rapper chick that had one hit song two or three years ago"

    Honestly I'd prefer "Let It Go" over that.

    The Pedestrian Writer

    1. Then apparently the quiz worked for you, too. Cool. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I also got "Fancy". Never heard it before. Not my type of music but I don't hate it.

    1. I don't think I've heard that song either.

  11. I got Dark Horse by Katy Perry, which I don't hate and I don't love, I think it's pretty meh from her.

  12. I got "All About that Bass"....can take it or leave it. Right now off hand I can't think of one I hate. I know there is a couple but I am drawing a blank.

    1. That's okay. I'd rather hear about songs you love, anyway :)

  13. I'm not going to take the quiz, but I will tell you a song I can't stand: Come on Irene by whoever the heck they are. OMG I despise that song.

  14. I got "Fancy". I don't remember liking it … or hating it. I did love the opening screen of the quiz with Megan Trainor's red eyes. lol. I used to hate "All About that Base", but I could care less now.

    I really didn't like the questions in the quiz. Which type of weather is your favorite? hot and humid? thunder and lightening? what was it? peaceful snow? I felt like it was directing you to an answer. Why couldn't it say something like "gorgeous summer sunshine" or "calm rainy nights with occasional thunder and lightening"? Why not put a positive spin on all of the answers? Because no one is going to say that they prefer hot and humid weather. Because duh. It's hot AND humid. But if you ask if they prefer a sunny day at the beach over a snowy day in the mountains, you are more likely to get a variety of different responses. *shrugs* That's how I see it anyway. :)

    1. I find that these quizzes are pretty simplistic. They're created by people who aren't thinking very deeply about things, I reckon. I bet you could create a much better quiz as you are making a very valid point.

  15. Dark Horse Katy Perry. But I accidentally answered a question wrong.

    1. Well, the question is whether or not you actually hate it or not. If you hate it, then you answered the question correctly ;)

  16. I got "Fancy" too. I did know the song. Don't particularly like it but I don't hate it either. "Happy" is one of those songs that it seems hard to dislike so it seems odd as a response. No idea how it uses the answers you put in!

  17. A friend at work started singing "Gimme Dat Ding" a few weeks ago and I had so much trouble getting it out of my head.
    You're young, so I'm sure you don't know what it is. But, do NOT go searching for it. It's insidious and will invade your brain like cerebral kudzu.
    Don't do it.

  18. I got Katy Perry's Dark Horse. I can't think of what that one is, so I don't think I have very strong feelings one way or the other.

    1. You probably know it if you hear it. It can be a bit grating.

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