
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Pointless Lie

When students leave their "home" schools and transfer to the continuation high school, they first take a class called orientation. It lasts about a month, and it covers how the continuation high school works. It's also an opportunity for them to earn other credits in various subjects. (They get sent to the continuation high school because they've failed several classes, so they do need these credits.)

As I've covered orientation many times, I'm familiar with the routine. So, when I noticed Kendrick was off task, I gently prodded him about getting to work.

"I only need five credits."

Yeah, orientation is worth five credits. But they can earn more if they put the work in. (They can earn less if they do nothing.) I explained...

"No, I only need five credits."

I was confused. There's no way the continuation high school would take a transfer from a student who was only five credits short. There's a waiting list for entrance. Besides, five credits can be made up in summer school or credit recovery which is offered before and after school at the high schools.

"I'm not new. I've been going here for years."

And only then did I catch on. He was lying to me.

I get lied to all the time. Blatantly, sometimes. About all sorts of things. But this lie caught me completely unawares.

I guess it was because it wasn't even a plausible lie.

I suppose he saw a sub, thought he could play it off like he was about to graduate, and figured he'd con me into letting him do nothing. Ah, how little he realizes how badly he misjudged the situation...


  1. Sounds like he might need another year or two.

  2. I suppose he gets a C+ for effort, hehe.

    Cait @ Click's Clan

    1. Are you grading on a curve? That's a bit high...

  3. I hope you wrung your hands together and cackled! LOL Poor dope.

  4. I can't handle folks that biggest pet peeve! Problem with schools now is that there is that thing called, "no child left behind"....haha

    1. NCLB isn't as prevalent nowadays as it was 10 years ago. Now it's Common Core. NCLB had it's good points, but it didn't really address the actual problems.

  5. They really think they can pull things on you, don't they? Too funny!


  6. If he took the energy from creating the lie and put it into his work ...he wouldn't be in the continuation school.

    1. If I had a dollar for every time I made that argument, I'd be living it up on my yacht, never having to work again.

  7. I'm sure your theory is exactly right. He never thought that you might know how the system works! :)

  8. You're right though, that's such a crummy lie.
    I mean, how would he possibly be in ORIENTATION if he'd been there any length of time? Clearly not bright - he probably should be working harder because he needs it!

    1. Oh, he tried to claim the class wasn't orientation. Even though the title of the class is right there on the roll sheets...

  9. This is someone who really needs to study. I always wonder why certain teens will expend so much more energy to get out of things than it would have taken to just buckle down and do what they should have done in the first place. Alana

  10. Did he survive burning fires of hell?

    I so admire you.

    1. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot of each other (and then he'll realize how stupid telling *me* that particular lie was).

  11. A month for orientation? I can only shake my head. Is that his real name? If so he does have one redeeming quality. ~grin~ Be well!

    1. I never use their real names.

      I think the actual "orientation" lasts a couple days. The rest of the time is for them to earn credits, and they have counselors that come in once or twice a week. (They ended up there for some reason. It's good to have someone help them see that they can make better choices.)

    2. I thought so about the names. Wise. ~nods~ I hope these kids get on a good track! Thanks for your efforts in this endeavor.

  12. Oh Kendrick. You naughty silly boy. You didn't realise you'd met your match.

  13. I'm glad you caught on to him!


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