
Friday, December 23, 2016

Let it Ring Quiz

Are those crickets I hear?

Are you all out shopping? With family?

I'll save the rest of my subbing stories for the new year. Today and next week we'll keep it light. So, how about a little movie quiz? One about that quintessential Christmas movie It's a Wonderful Life.

Let it Ring! Earn Your Wings with Our It's a Wonderful Life Quiz

It's been a while since I last saw it, so I'm pretty happy with my score.

How did you do? When was the last time you saw It's a Wonderful Life? Are you a fan?


  1. Hi Liz - I doubt I'll be around ... and as for movie quizzes ... also forget it - I can't do them ... and last time I saw the film ... if I ever did! Cheers and enjoy yourself - Hilary

  2. I gave the quiz to Matt - he got 29 correct (he missed the # of kids). I also gave it to him straight, no multiple choice. He knows it well!

    1. And I thought number of kids was a gimme. But then again, there were several that I had to guess on.

  3. I couldn't get it to advance past the first question for some reason. But I probably wouldn't have done very good. I only saw it once when I was a kid.

  4. I missed 4 which I thought was pretty good considering I only just saw the movie for the first time straight through about 2 years ago :) I'm working today, but hitting the store first thing tomorrow morning :)


  5. I haven't seen the entire movie since 1998 (I blogged recently about why I haven't) but, two years ago, visited Seneca Falls, New York for their Its A Wonderful Life Festival. This year I missed it due to weather but three of the "children" were there (Seneca Falls claims it was the village Bedford Falls was based on). So, I am not going to take the quiz but - I did love that movie and maybe, one day, I will watch it again. Alana

    1. You might be surprised by how much you remember. I haven't seen your post about why you haven't seen it (how recent? Because if in the last couple days, I'll see it soon).

  6. Its been ages but I'm going to attempt it tomorrow :D Hope you have a great Christmas Eve!

  7. I've seen bits of pieces, but never the whole movie....
    Wishing you the best in 2017!

  8. I think I only saw the movie in its entirety once. I need to rectify that. But I did just buy a biography of Jimmy Stewart regarding the period of his life between serving as a bomber pilot and making this movie. Happy New Year!

    1. It's amazing how many people have only seen bits and pieces. Just goes to show that no matter how iconic something is, people might not have seen it.

  9. I got them all right! I think you would be disappointed if I didn't:)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.