
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Birthday Surprise

Normally about this time I'd post a bunch of pictures of all the things I made this year for Christmas gifts. Only, I didn't. Knit anything. (Well, a couple things, but they're things I've posted about before.)

I was more Scrooge than normal this year. It could be that school didn't get out until the 22nd. Or, it could be that I wasn't in the mood to think up Christmas presents. But Christmas went pretty well, regardless.

In what has become an annual tradition (apparently, two years in a row is a "tradition"), I got my birthday gift from my brother on Christmas. (For the record, my birthday is at the end of July.) And I had to share...

It's a vintage Doctor Who pattern book. From 1984. 


What fun things did you get for Christmas? (Or your birthday ;)?)


  1. How cool with the book! I bet you will enjoy looking through it and maybe make a thing or two!

    My birthday is right before Christmas and I got a very pretty floral arrangement from my hubby :)


  2. Oh that's a pretty astute gift from a brother!

  3. Sounds like you have an awesome brother. Even if he is a bit slow!!

  4. Please post pictures if/when you knit a police box.

  5. Fun Christmas gifts? I got some (several years old) family photos from my in laws. Those photos mean more and more as the years pass Alana

    1. My brother archived all of our family photos and gave us all access. Wonderful to have those.

  6. Dr Who. Now that something I know I could get into.
    Coffee is on

  7. What a great present. Will you be making things from it? There are so many Dr Who fans out there you could make a mint!

  8. Honestly? I kind of am. That's awesome!

  9. See the advantage to school letting out so late? No expectation that you have time to make stuff....gotta love the pressure off switch. Glad you enjoyed it. Cool brother.

    1. Yeah, that did help. Or, I might have just been in lazy mode...

  10. That's cool! Good for you. I got a neat trivia book on movies

  11. Points to your brother for calling it "tradition" instead of just getting your birthday gift to you late.

    Nick got me a really nice set of pearls for Christmas. His mom and step-dad got me an awesome hammock, and a really cool apron. My sister gave me some cool candles and herbs for candle magic.

    By the way, the earrings that I got from you for my M-I-L were a huge hit! She loved them and started wearing them immediately.

  12. Replies
    1. Apparently you can find anything on Amazon.

  13. Oh that's so fun! Birthday presents are good any time :D

  14. Woah! Sounds worth the wait. I know you are excited to start using it! :)

    1. At least I know I'll get my birthday present eventually.


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