
Friday, November 25, 2016

Badly Described

In the US, it's the day after Thanksgiving. And most of you are probably braving the stores and the Black Friday sales.

Not me. (And if you're like me and do most of your shopping online, make sure to check out my shop. Or, hit me up for a custom order. /end shamless plug)

Anyway, I'm taking the weekend off from blogging. So, I thought I'd give anyone still online a fun little movie quiz...

Match the Movie to Its Poor Description

This one is hard. So, make use of those "PREV" and "NEXT" buttons! 

I managed to get 30/30, but it took me the whole 8 minutes (and lots of skipping!). But there were some laughs to be had when I finally recognized what they were going for. (I won't spoil it for you.)

And, as a bonus...

Last year I posted this Christmas quiz on Christmas. When no one would see it. Now you have a whole month to try to figure this one out. (It's a hard one. I only got half of them my first try. I needed cheats to get them all.)

Merry Quizmas

I'd love to know how you did in the comments. 


  1. I only missed one. They were creative, but surprisingly accurate, like the group spending nine hours returning jewelry :).

  2. I don't watch many movies (and I'm bleary from Black Friday - why do I do this to myself?) I'll pass on this particular quiz. Yes, I'm being a party pooper. Alana

    1. That's okay. Do the second one. That's Christmas based.

      Did you get any good deals?

  3. This gal doesn't do black friday. But it chaps my hide when I see places open on Thanksgivng.

    1. I know. Mine too. I won't go shopping on Thanksgiving. Until no one else does (and shops are dead quiet on the holiday) there will be stores that open.

  4. I don't do Black Friday. Harley and I had to make a run to Walmart last evening for food for her sucker fish. She hadn't fed it in four days so I didn't feel like we should wait until Saturday to do. OMG!! How can people do Black Friday??

    1. I bet Walmart was packed. But you had to go. I wonder how many got stuck in the mess due to things like that.

  5. I can't imagine anything worse than Black Friday. It'd be awful! I don't blame you for giving it a miss!

    1. I had to work it once. Once! I can't see going into that mess unless you're getting paid for it.

  6. Hi Liz ... couldn't do either ... being British and single - life passes me by! Movie life, character life ... I'd know them but never guess them ... I started with Snowman - that was wrong it was Frosty ... you can imagine I'd be frosticled within a few more attempts ... and probably aim the dart at the screen bullseye or 'nayn' ... cheers Hilary

  7. LOL well I got 22 right and then I'd not seen any of the others so failed that bit. Ha! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  8. Tried that movie quiz. I think I got half right. Either I don't watch enough movies or I'm stupid.

  9. Thanks for the link to your shop. I'm still browsing the site and going oohs and aahs.

  10. If I remember, I'll come back and try the quizzes. I'm catching up on blogs since I was away for the weekend and the tablet wouldn't let me access my Dashboard for some strange reason. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! I think basically Black Friday is insanity. I don't want to be out in that madness and most sales will be repeated somewhere during the month of December, and if not, is it worth fighting it all on Black Friday?


  11. I'll check it out! I hope you enjoyed your weekend off. :)

    1. I'm not terribly fond of time off. I'm actually glad to be back at work.

  12. That quiz is hard with some surprising twists.

  13. 27 out of 30. Some of those were pretty hilarious. "A lot of people take the Ice Bucket Challenge. It doesn't end well." xD

    1. I had a hard time with that one. That's why I recommended a liberal use of the skip button.

  14. Some are pretty hard to guess-I got 24 right and as for the Christmas one..I got 39 right but have no clue with the dinosaur or the armadillo


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.