
Monday, October 3, 2016

The Finished Mask (and SIL Update)

I finished the mask. And I gave it to my sister-in-law for her birthday...

...because, while I really wanted to make the mask, I have absolutely no use for it. It came out pretty cool, don't you think?

Some of you may remember the last time I mentioned her, a little over a month ago. Things were looking grim. Via her GoFundMe page:
 ***August 22nd update***
Here is the latest. Heather is currently on the road, driving with a nurse to Northwestern University near Chicago. Why is she doing this, you ask? Well, here is why. Her bone marrow is failing. Quickly.  
The clinical trial she was in at the Mayo Clinic was unsuccessful. Her trip to Panama was a major success in reversing damage but was not able to fix her bone marrow. Extensive blood and bone marrow tests came back positive for two things-- myleofibrosis and acute myeloid leukemia. The thing is, those two conditions can’t exist at the same time. The doctor who examined her blood and sent the results said that he has never seen results like this… ever. He classified the results “inconclusive.” (Go here for the full update.) 
Since, there's been another update:
***September 25 update - part 2 of 2***
(please see part 1 for details from the Chicago treatment)
So where are things now? Her immune system is back to 100%. The bone marrow is somewhere in the 75-85% range of being regenerated. Her body is producing good blood. She does needs to get blood and platelets every 4-6 days while the bone marrow spreads and grows. So much better than where she was before she left when she was going to the hospital every day for 6-8 hours of blood transplants and other various infusions. Things look to be moving towards a full recovery from this.  
The bad news is that while this was a complete success, scans of her brain and spine have shown that the lesions that had been healed from the last Panama trip have come back to life. Currently most are very small, but others are not... (For the full update, go here.


  1. Blessing it was a success even if new issues have returned. Continued prayers for full recovery. I'm sure she got a kick out of the mask.

  2. Such a cute mask! I bet your SIL loved it! Thanks for the update, will say a prayer for her for complete recovery.


  3. I love the mask. I know teen girls would love it! Prayers continue for your sister-in-law! Ups and downs are the hardest!!

  4. The mask looks great and she's obviously a super hero as she's come so far. I hope she's able to quickly overcome this latest hurdle.

  5. So sorry your sister is going through all this. Lots of prayers for her. I love the mask!

  6. Love the mask! And I'll keep your SIL in my thoughts!

  7. The mask looks awesome! If there's ever a masquerade, you'll be ready.

    I'm glad your sister in law's marrow is regenerating. I really hope the lesions don't get any worse.

  8. Looks like she loves the mask! Glad they had some success and I hope they can deal with the lesions.

  9. A mask for a superhero - I wish her (and you) continued strength and recovery during this most difficult time. Alana

  10. The mask is cool and glad to hear some good news about your SIL :)

  11. I love the mask and she looks great in it. She is a superhero in so many ways. This is a difficult journey for everyone. I send my prayers and I hope she can get back to Panama

  12. So sorry about your Sister in Law. But I do think the mask is cool.
    Coffee is on

  13. Wow! That turned out great! Good job!

  14. Hi Liz - the mask did turn out so well and a fun birthday present for Heather. I do so hope she can maintain her improvement ... such a challenging time for her, the family and her siblings and all near and dear .. with many thoughts - and thanks for the update - Hilary

  15. I'm so glad she's doing better.

    The mask came out great!

  16. The mask turned out great! I love it. What a fun gift...
    I'm sure it lifted her spirits. What a hard journey she is traveling. I will keep her in my prayers. Very scary stuff!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  17. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Fun mask!

  18. The mask is awesome.
    It's good she's doing better. Gotta take the wins you get.

  19. What a fun gift :) Glad there's been some improvement even if it's not complete. Here's hoping Oct and Nov bring good healing.


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