
Friday, September 23, 2016

Heard it Before

"It's the pipes. They need to fix the plumbing."

I had no idea what the boy was talking about. I was busy getting class started. They had a warm up. I was taking roll. Then I was going over what we were going to be doing for the period. Pipes? I hadn't heard anything.

Then I heard it. And I immediately knew what it was...

Really? This old chestnut? And I'm supposed to not know what that sound is? I know exactly what that sound is. 

I can't tell you how often some kid tries this. 

I wish I could tell you I had some great line to shut this down. I don't. I looked at the kid who gave me the excuse and told him to stop it. 

"It isn't me." 

Sure it's not. I hadn't even heard the ringing until he brought it up. 

He protested his innocence, even showing me that his fingers were dry. 

But funnily enough, that was the last I heard the tell-tale ringing. 

This is the point where I'd shake my head and say something about immature freshmen. Except these were sophomores. In name only, I suspect.


  1. If it was a boy, he was still on the mental level of a ten year old.

  2. Beginning of the school year, their brains are still trying to catch up after "summer mush brains."


  3. *sigh* Even though you've heard it before, you will probably hear it again… At least you got him to stop by calling him out on it.

    1. They play this game when the room needs to be silent. Of course, that makes it easier for me to find the culprit.

  4. I think calling kids out on stuff is a very important thing to do. They need to know that you're a couple steps ahead of them--even if that isn't always easy!!!

    1. On stuff like this, definitely. They do it to annoy. I don't appreciate being annoyed.

  5. lol I'm surprised he even said anything in the first place *shakes head* Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks. Yeah, if he hadn't said anything, it could have been another 10 minutes before I noticed.

  6. Unless it's a science lab, I have no idea why there would be plumbing around a classroom. But I'm guessing that kid didn't think of that. He must have thought that because you were a sub you wouldn't know the obvious.

  7. I would've thought you were teaching a middle school class. :)

    1. They had the maturity of a middle school class. Some of them, anyway.

  8. I think the room has to be real silent to hear that sound.

  9. I never heard that one. What's the point? To get the teacher to do something? Interrupt class? Be a pain in the ass?

  10. At least life as a teacher is never boring!!!

  11. As God as my witness, I never knew you could do that.
    I'll put that in my "Wise Guy" file. Pronto.

  12. I have not heard that one before! I'm glad you knew how to nip it in the bud!

    1. Many of these things I've learned the hard way. And I'm putting it out there to help other newbies who might not have encountered them.

  13. I can see grown men do this and giggle as they think it's funny

    1. Depends on the situation, I think. If we're talking that a bunch of people are hanging out, that's one thing.

  14. I feel exhausted just thinking of doing your job. Thank you for your ongoing efforts. Cool little sound job, though. Maybe these kids will go into movie effects (if they're not all computer generated, that is).

    1. It's a great little trick. Under other circumstances.


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