
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Silence is Golden

It was summer school. The kiddos were generally on task. They turned in everything they were assigned. They did everything they were assigned. And the major behavior problem I had was them getting too loud, especially when they were between assignments.

So, I wasn't too concerned with their cell phones.

I don't have an issue with them listening to music while they work. Just so long as I don't have to hear it. That's what earbuds are for.

But "Eddie Haskell" didn't have earbuds...

At various times I'd hear sound coming from his cell phone. He'd be playing some basketball game, watching some video, or listening to music. None of which I should have been able to hear.

I told him this. He didn't see my point. He wasn't bothering anybody.

Um, yes, he was bothering me.

So, he attempted to find something that wouldn't bother me. He and his friends discussed different types of music. They floated the idea of country music...

(Why do kiddos assume I'd like country music? I mean no offense if that's what you like, but I've never been a fan. And that they assume that's what I like offends me no end.)

...Then they thought about classical. They'd go with a Beethoven symphony.

For me, that wasn't the point. (The song he had on before was something I kind of liked.) The point was, I'd asked not to hear their music.

So, periodically, I'd hear piano or some other symphonic melody. And I'd go and tell him to turn that music off.

Deep, deep sigh.

(I did "offer" to hold on to his cell phone so he wouldn't be "tempted" to use it. That helped curb things a little. But cell phone rules are rather fluid at the moment. And as it was summer school and it appeared that Mr. C had allowed their use before, I was in a rather odd spot in terms of them. The regular school year is easier. I would have confiscated the phone and turned it into the office after the second offense.)


  1. Wow, things have changed more than I even imagined. This would have been like carrying a transistor radio to class "back in my day." You must be a saint. Of course, I think all teachers should be candidates for sainthood for simply showing up for class every day!

    1. Yeah, I know. Music... Well, I don't mind it as long as I don't hear it. As for sainthood--nope. Not even close. This is why I have a blog, so I can grumble about them.

  2. You wonder why he didn't have ear buds. I thought that was just standard fair for kids these days :)


  3. That is like taking a radio or boom box into class. Wow, I would think no cell phones at all would be the standard policy no matter what.
    And if anyone looks at me and assumes I like country, we're going toe to toe.

    1. Are you saying you don't like country music Alex ? How can that be? I guess you haven't heard the classic: I'VE GOT TEARS IN MY EARS (FROM LYIN' ON MY BACK IN MY BED WHILE I CRY OVER YOU) .... ;-)

  4. Hummm. I just remembered a news story about a judge in Colorado who sentenced noise ordinance violators to endure one hour of hits from Barry Manilow and Barney, the purple dinosaur. I wonder if that would work for you? Play it for the whole class for a couple of days and I bet "Eddie's" classmates will take care of the problem for you!

    1. That's a thought. Not Barney. That would torture me. But I could find something they'd hate...

  5. How rude of him, glad you stood your ground though!

    1. Yes, it was. And he didn't understand why he was being rude... Sigh.

  6. Some people can be so stubborn about not making everyone else listen to their music. But I think if someone accused me of liking country music I would have gagged.

  7. I think I would start with making a rule! When you are the sub there are no cell phones! And then it is simple to confiscate when you see one. I'm sure they would still manage to break the rules. Sounds like that is just what they do! And I am glad you have the blog to vent!! By the way, I love country music!!

    1. Nothing against country music.

      I could easily make it a rule for me. I could tell them at the outset of class that if I see a phone, it's going to the office. I choose not to.

  8. I'll echo another commenter - things sure have changed. In my day, it would have been a transistor radio and my teacher would have confiscated it on the first offense. Alana

  9. A couple of months ago I subbed a French class (year 7, so their first year of high school) and they had a lesson designed around plugging themselves into their online learning space, with headphones and completing their activities that way.

    I have been learning a different language with Duolingo (it works, it really works!), so I thought I would get my lessons for the day done too since I had my laptop, but alas, I had no headphones, I didn't think it would be a problem, nope, I irritated Year 7 so much by playing lessons in another language while they were trying to learn French that 20 minutes in to our hour+ lesson, they banded together and asked me to stop because I was impacting on their learning! It was bloody brilliant (it made it into the note :) their teacher was chuffed)

    1. Nice when they're on task and wanting to learn. It does happen.

  10. Teaching in today's world is so different! I insist on my own kids using headphones. Ugh. I love silence too.

    1. Yes, I prefer silence. Although, music in class is okay, but they never agree on what they want to listen to, and that becomes an issue in itself.

  11. The whole trying to guess what kind of music you would like is funny....

    1. They know nothing about me. I like it that way. But it's funny what they assume by looking at me.

  12. How sweet of you to offer to hold his phone for him! ;)

    That is funny that he would assume you like country. And then classical. At least he was trying to be sweet? lol. (I'm sorry, but Eddie amuses me to no end. Can he be in all of your classes?)

    1. Oh, I hope not! I'm sure I'll run into him again, though.

  13. Typical kids eh. They think anyone over 25 is a dinosaur.

  14. It's crazy how things can change in a handful of years. It was pretty rare for any of us to have cell phones in high school. And those of us that did didn't use them except for emergencies. Of course they weren't nearly as fun back then either. lol

  15. Boy, Eddie Haskell really likes to push the buttons. I would be so tempted to just take the phone and be done with it.

    1. I was sorely tempted. But if I had, I would have likely lost the rest of the class.

  16. What a balancing act you walk, my dear. I could not deal. On another note, I had to look up Eddie Haskell. The name reminded me of serial killer Nate Haskell on the show "CSI". ~grin~ Glad you don't have that guy in your class!

    1. Ozzie & Harriet was before my time, but it was still a reference kids would get when I was a kid. Sad to hear that it's faded into history now.


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