
Friday, July 15, 2016

Find the U.S. States

I was having a bit of an online quiz binge. I found this quiz where you had to name all the presidents who had five letters in their names. Then six letters. Then four letters. (The site was clever in how it tempted with just another click.) And then I saw this quiz:

Find the U.S. States-No Outlines

I got 100%! After something like a dozen tries. See, this quiz "blows up" on you if you get one wrong. That is, get a wrong answer, and you're done. So, I went back and retried and retried and retried. Ahem. 

What's really tricky is getting your cursor in the right spot for each state. If you're off by a hair width, it's wrong, and BOOM! So, I skipped states, a lot of states, until I got ones that I could easily find via coastlines. Then from there I filled in the interior. (Just a suggestion.)

Let me know how you did. I'd love to hear. 


  1. I messed up rather quickly! Will have to try it again. Tough with no outlines.

  2. Grrr I kept clicking a hair off.

    1. If you do try it again, some tips...

      Skip states, especially the ones in the plains, until you have other states to reference.

      Start in the corners: California, Washington, Maine, Florida.

      A few others can be found via coastlines/borders. Like Texas. Michigan.

      Once you have the corners and other easy-to-find states, work on the states surrounding those. From Texas, you know that Oklahoma is right above, New Mexico is directly to the west, and Louisiana is directly to the east.
      Then build from there.

      Hope that helps. (I was doing this by my third or fourth try, but still managed to go BOOM several times after this.)

  3. After like 6 times of being half a centimeter off, I gave up...

  4. I messed up after two states. But I am going to go back and do this again. And share it with the grands!

    1. It took me a few tries to get more than five states at a go.

  5. Boy, am I terrible at that. I'd probably do better with the naming the presidents ones.

  6. I got California, LOL, and tried to do Florida but it kept moving me up the East Coast so not sure what I'm doing wrong there. Will have to work further on it this weekend :)


    1. Skip states. Skip until you get ones you can find. Because there's no way I could find, like Kansas, without surrounding states to crib off of.

  7. Not going to try this one. Don't need the frustration after a stressful day of work! Alana

    1. Aw. It's not so bad if you try the tips I wrote above in the comments.

  8. I need to give it a try.
    Coffee is on

    1. It's kind of fun, once you know to skip states.

  9. I tried 4 times until I got about 23 right.....oh well

    1. Considering that you're Canadian, I would say that's very, very good.

  10. My mouse skills aren't that good! Have you tried sporcle? They have lots of quizzes and games.

  11. I'm awful at geography. I keep meaning to work on learning where every single state is but I memorized it in elementary school, passed the test, and then promptly forgot it!

    1. But I bet you know enough. I don't have them all memorized, but I know enough in proximity that I can get the ones I don't know by the ones I do.

  12. I got 100% (after about three tries). But, once I took your suggestion of skipping states, it got way easier. Thanks!

  13. I could get Alaska and Hawaii but that's about it ;)

    1. I almost didn't post this because of international readers. But it was too much fun, so I couldn't resist. You're exempt. Don't worry, next week's quiz is about English vocabulary, so everyone can play.

  14. Oh man! That's hard! I like it though. I'll have to try again. I was doing good but got too close to the Utah border. I shoulda skipped until I had more filled in. lol I was just a wee little bit off. Those NE states that are tiny are crazy hard!

  15. This is hard! Like you said, I was just the tiniest bit off and nope! wrong. Argh. I don't think I have the patience for this…

    And then I started trying the other quizzes. *sigh* Why does one always lead to another? ;)

    1. Well, that's how I found this one in the first place...


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