
Friday, May 27, 2016

The Mess

I've seen these things on the campuses for a while. Most of this school year, in fact. It's a snack size plastic bag full of red goo. And the students eat this stuff. 

In class. 

I clamp down on them when I see them. Because it's food and they're not supposed to be eating in class. And, it's a big, gooey mess. 

(Students eating in class is generally a bad idea, because they tend to leave their trash everywhere. Add in sticky red goo...) 

So, of course, naturally, some boy managed to get a big red blob on a desk. I made him clean it up, which was difficult as there were no paper towels in the room. Luckily, it was passing period. (This was the only reason he had the mess out in the first place.) 

As I had a captive audience (as he took out a sheet of notebook paper to sub in for a paper towel), I finally had a chance to ask my burning question: What the heck is that stuff? 

It's gummy worms in a slightly moistened Kool-Aid mix. 

I looked it up. Apparently, it's a thing. You can find the recipe online... 

So, um, yeah. If you're into that sort of thing, try it out. Although, I wouldn't recommend it. Not unless you don't mind red sticky fingers and goo that gets everywhere.


  1. And they eat that with their fingers? No wonder it's a big mess!

  2. That just sounds really gross in all ways from eating it (yuck) to cleaning it and even looking at it

  3. ....that does not sound remotely appetizing. Can't they just eat candy from the shops like everyone else??

  4. Hadn't heard of this, but I can see my son and his friends in their high school days doing this. I agree, too messy and gooey for my taste buds.


    1. I was never a fan of gummy anything, so the very idea disgusts me. But kids...

  5. Well, I made it to almost 58 without knowing that existed. As a custodian (aka "Janitor With Keys"...yeah, it's as swanky as that), I've wondered how classrooms can get so trashed in only a day. This has given me a little glimpse into how.

  6. Sounds super messy, but now I'm curious how it tastes lol

    1. Well, there's plenty of recipes online. If you try it, you must tell us all how it tastes (because I won't be trying it).

  7. Eww, no thank you. I’m a gummi addict—literally. Can't have them in the house. But gummis are all about the lovely chewiness. Plus, they can be eaten while typing. Making them into goo cancels out all the benefits.

    VR Barkowski

  8. I love Red Hot Gummy Bears but this looks ridiculous to me! Another reason for a mess!!

  9. Eww! I totally don't get kids these days with their messy food. (Ugh, I'm so old for saying that)

  10. No. No. I am not into this at all. But I am glad that you told us what it is. I would have had undying curiosity.

    1. I'd been trying to figure out what the red goo in the snack bags was for a while (since at least October). One mystery solved.

  11. And how did the notebook paper far as a paper towel substitute?

    1. Badly. It got the mess up, but there was still a little red left behind. It was better than nothing.

  12. It sounds disgusting, plus it's sticky and well, me and sticky are arch enemies.

  13. I love gummy bears, but that just seems disgusting. Not to mention way too messy.

  14. Interesting. I do like sour gummy worm or bears. Older I get more I try to stay way form sugar, salt and fat.
    Coffee is on

    1. Then stay far away from this pure sugar concoction.

  15. I wonder how the originator of the recipe came up with the idea. Did he/she have a package of gummies sitting next to a container of Kool-Aid and think, "hmm...I wonder what would happen...?" Bottom line it's all just plain sugar, no matter what form it takes.

  16. Liz, I like gummy bears, but this concoction looks terrible. Take about sugar over dose! It makes me sick just thinking about. :P I'll stick to eating my gummies straight out of the bag!

  17. If it isn't chocolate, I don't eat it. Gummy worms, candy corn, no. But I can see this. Pure sugar. Alana

    1. I do like candy corn on occasion. But I'm with you--if it's sweet, it should have chocolate in it.

  18. Ignoring the goo factor (my classes are working with plaster of paris at the moment, the cleaners HATE me), what is a Passing Period? Every so often there is a reference that is obviously cultural/locality based and I get lost!

    1. It's the time the students have to get from one class to the next. Not class time. Travel time.

  19. That looks gross! And who knows where all their fingers have been??? Kids now days sure a strange bunch.

    1. Oh, they want their fingers clean after they eat it. And that becomes my problem. They either then hog the hand sanitizer or they have to use the restroom, which is a whole 'nother thing.

  20. Yuk! Concentrated sugar and artificial chemicals. I wouldn't let my kids eat it.


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