
Friday, May 13, 2016

Repeat Performance

I was kind of blindsided by the assignment. I probably could have declined, but part of me was curious. It had been about six months since I'd see them last. Well, not all of them. Let me back up a bit...

Those of you who have been with me for a while may recall #That8thGradeSciClass. They're the group I had for two days in October, but they generated 10 blog posts that I ran one a week until almost Christmas. This was that class. (In case you want to revisit those posts, they're here.)

I have seen many of them in other classes throughout the year. I've covered their math classes. Their English classes. Their history classes. I even ran into a few of them in P.E. And art. That's how things go when you sub at the same schools for any length of time.

But all together in this group... Yeah, not looking forward to it.

So, I was so grateful when I saw the lesson plan was a video. Whew. Easy enough. I knew I'd have to keep after them to keep them settled, but at least they didn't have a project to go crazy over.

Only, the video wasn't there.


It was supposed to be on the laptop. But I could not find it. And, knowing what I was in for, I panicked.

Then I did the right thing. I called for help.

The secretary sent me the tech guy. And the tech guy (who is a total rock star!) managed to find the video under the teacher's log on, and he retrieved it for me.


He totally saved my butt. Because 8th graders (especially these 8th graders) with a thrown together by me assignment on a Friday...

I don't even want to think about it.

So, yeah, they were their usual selves. Two periods didn't have enough time to finish the 46 minute video in a 58 minute period due to taking that long just to settle down enough so I could explain that they had to take notes and they had to watch the video and pay attention. (You'd think this would go without saying, but it doesn't.)

Deep sigh. At least the day went better than I anticipated. Perhaps they've grown up a little? Nah...


  1. Wise for you to call for help :) Amazing too how they couldn't settle down enough for those 2 periods not to get the whole video in!


    1. Yeah, calling for help was the only recourse I had at that point.

  2. Glad you called for help and that you didn't have to suffer too long

    1. Yeah, he got there before first period really started. Good thing, too.

  3. I continue to commend you and all those who can do this job!!

    1. It's not for the weak-willed, that's for sure.

  4. Glad you called for help and all was good in the end.
    And once again, I'm amazed at all you teachers -- the patience and dedication. I know it' s job, but don't think I could do it. :)

    1. Patience? I don't think I exhibited much patience here.

  5. How funny that you got sent back to that class again and there was almost a disaster. Hopefully you won't get called back there before the end of the school year. Who knows what could befall you if you have to teach them a third time?

  6. Oh, one can always hope! I think they lose two or three years progress as soon as a sub walks into a class. I wouldn't do your job for all the money in the world!
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  7. Replies
    1. Oh yes. I love the tech guys. They have saved my butt more times than I care to count.

  8. Thank goodness for the tech guy!

  9. Kids at that age love to torment substitute teachers. Glad you survived!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  10. When I read your posts I think about how challenging it must be for you to never know what to expect.

  11. That class sounds like quite an experience! Tech guys are angels in disguise!

  12. Glad the tech guy was able to find it!!

  13. I don't know how you do it as a teacher. I'm glad the tech guy found the video for you.

    1. I don't. I just follow what's given to me.

  14. Knowing what that group are like, it sounds like it was the worst class for a video not to work in. Glad it got sorted in the end!

  15. I'm a little surprised the tech guy was able to find the video. You would think if the video were under a teacher's personal account, it would be harder for him to access. But maybe because this is a school, the tech guy has to know passwords and such?

    I do think it's funny that you have labelled this class as #That8thGradeSciClass. Does their teacher know? Is it possible to have a chat with her before you sub again to see if she has suggestions for dealing with them? … I always hated watching pointless videos with subs in school, especially when were required to take notes. It doesn't sound like that was really an appropriate assignment for wild kids though. I feel like maybe they should have been required to do something more hands on or active since they are hard to settle. I have no idea what since I'm neither a teacher nor a sub though. It just seems something that would capture their interest would be better; videos never capture anybody's interest. :( Especially sci videos.

    1. The video was left on the desktop...under the teacher's login. It wasn't accessible under the sub login. I'm not sure how the tech guy did it, but he has admin capabilities on all the school's computers.

      I labeled them #That8thGradeSciClass because of my dealings with them at the beginning of the year. And the 10 posts that covered just two days of them.

      The teacher knew what happened. I left her detailed notes. The first day I had with them she left them a project. It didn't go so well.

  16. Good grief. How do you cope? Good job asking for help.

    1. This is not what usually happens. Luckily there was someone who could help.


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