
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Extra Credit

Computer class at the continuation high school. Same class as X, interestingly enough. They had work to do. And as per normal, some made better use of their time than others.

5th period, however... 

Most didn't even make an attempt at starting any work. They immediately logged onto And the newest game from them... Oh, joy. (Although, it's not like I haven't encountered this sort of thing before.)

Well, of course I clamped down on that quick. Told them to get on task... 

"This is extra credit. Mr. M counts it. Really." 

Um, yeah. Right. Sure. 

But they weren't going to budge, so I did what I usually do in this instance. I took down names. Along with their lie. 

I ran into Mr. M the next day. Laughed about the lie. He said he can block sites. I have a feeling I will no longer have issues with the game. Kind of hard when the game is blocked...


  1. Won't they be surprised the next time they go to play that game?

  2. It's a good thing they can block sites, otherwise I don't know how teachers would accomplish anything. I should block sites on my own computer!


    1. It's just a matter of finding what the kiddos are always on and clamping down. But, of course, that changes...

  3. I don't know why they just don't block everything. At Darian and Harley's school they have disconnected the Wifi! That helps a bit. But most kids will just get on the phones without their wifi and then the parents are going to pay for more data! It would be hard to try to teach with all the cell phones out there now!

    1. They can't disconnect from the internet because some of their assignments are on the internet. Some of them look up various jobs, and they need the research capabilities. Others go onto news sites to read articles and write a page about them. Plus there are other types of assignments.

  4. I never heard of this site; now I have to go and check it out, LOL :)

    Good that they can block the sites; sadly though there's probably tons more sites out there teachers haven't heard of yet!


    1. There are. Which is why I try to figure out what they're on and leave the teacher a list. So he can block them.

      I hear is addictive, so try it at your own risk.

  5. Sometimes blocking sites is the only thing you can do! I know I've had to do it to stop myself from goofing off..

  6. Oh I wish you could play that little video to the kids when they try to go on the game. Hahahahaa

    1. I know! I so want to be there when they try to log on.

  7. One down. 847,865 games left to go. ;)
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  8. Back in my teaching days, I used to quietly giggle to myself at the 'off the wall, creative amazingness'(or lies:)) that students tried to get away with. I think I could relate quite well :):)

  9. How can those students think this will fly by!?? If only there were an app that shuts the phone down when any game comes up!

    You may not remember this, but there was a "Baby" toy, which cried when it was hungry, set off a timer to change a diaper, etc. I swear half the class had those in their back-packs. Gathered them up as fast as they cried. Sent letters home saying these were banned. But STILL some students brought them to school.

    1. Tamagotchi. I was working in a toy store when those came out.

      It wasn't on their phones, though. For once, they had their phones put away. I guess that's what happens when you have access to a real computer.

  10. Nothing more satisfying than outsmarting teenagers! Love the GIF!

    1. I went looking for a gif of laughter, and that one popped up. I couldn't resist.

  11. I have a Year 8 class I encounter semi frequently and they (now) work their butts off for me because the deal is if they finish their work to a standard I am happy with, they can go on the Cool Maths For Kids website, doesn't matter what subject, that is reward. Hysterical!

    1. Several teachers do similar things. If they work well, they can do whatever online during the last ten minutes. Or Cool Math games. Those are nice motivators.

    2. Cool Maths Games for Kids is like crack to this group! I could offer them porn and they would turn it down in favour of Cool Maths Games for Kids (disclaimer, i would never offer porn).

      I looked around a staff meeting a week or so ago and a couple of teachers were playing too :D


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