
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Zizi Rho Designs the farmers market...

This was my setup the last time I went. I've been tweaking it. I rather like this look.

(In case you didn't know, I have a little knit/crochet business. You can find me online here.)

That's it! We be done! How are you celebrating the end of the A to Z Challenge?

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

Knitted Z, monogram Z, gift card holder


  1. You did it!
    Is that the name of your company? I'll just click the link and find out...

  2. I like the name of your company and I like your set up!! It was a fun challenge; enjoyed your posts, but then I always do!! Congrats on finishing!!

    I'm celebrating the end by not being on the computer tonight and watching a movie with hubby!


    1. Sounds like a plan. What movie did you see?

  3. That's quite a setup. I love farmers markets. Congratulations finishing the A to Z!!

  4. A very impressive set-up. I love all the products you have to offer.

    Congrats on completing the challenge!!

  5. I like your set-up too. I'll bet it is fun to sit there and watch the people. Congratulations on the finish to another A to Z Challenge!

    1. Some people are fun to watch. Definitely.

  6. Looks nice! I wish I could visit sometime. Happy end of the Challenge :)

  7. Congrats on surviving the Challenge! I hope to "see" you at the next one, although I read you all year. I may have ended up on Etsy if it existed back in the early 1970's but now I am too busy blogging, and reading other bloggers. Alana

    1. It's not too late, you know. And blogging can be a great way to drive business (or so I'm told).

  8. Oh! I wish you all the best on sales. You are very talented. I'm so glad for online connection today so I could read this. Be well!

    1. Thanks. You too. I hope your internet troubles resolve themselves soon.

  9. Very nice products and set-up! I'm glad I got to meet you through the A to Z. Congrats on completing the Challenge! I will probably celebrate with some Netflix tonight and a short blogging break in mid-May after I put up my reflections post.

    1. I think quite a few people are going to take blogging breaks.

  10. Looks nice! Congrats on finishing the challenge

  11. Your farmer's market display looks really nice and organized. I took a look a your Etsy shop, you are so creative!

    Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge. I have enjoyed visiting your site.

    Shelly @

  12. That is a nice setup. I like your name, perfect for the end of the challenge.

  13. Fantastic challenge. Glad I found another kindred spirit. I was a sub for five years, then a teacher assistant for another five, now I clean toilets.
    I think there's a lesson here.

  14. How fabulous, Liz. Congratulations on wrapping up the Challenge—you did great! And thank you for the visit over at Life In Dogs; truly, much appreciated :)

  15. Our local farmers market also start yesterday.
    Coffee is on

  16. That's a pretty good setup. congratulations on completing the challenge.

    #AtoZChallenge Z is for Zenda

  17. It looks like a great set up! Congrats on another year of A to Z!

    Yvonne V

  18. Very bright and colorful! That should catch some passerby's eye. I celebrated the end of the Challenge by catching up on laundry, cooking gumbo and relaxing on the couch when possible.
    Visit me at
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  19. I definitely like your set-up. It looks nice :) Congratulations on the completion of the A-Z challenge!

  20. It is a relief it's over even though I cheated at the end. Love the look of your stall. I bet you sell heaps.

    1. Thanks. Yeah, the challenge gets to be a bit much at the end.

  21. Nice post, Liz. Thanks for popping by my blog, and congratulations on finishing the Challenge. :)

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  22. Yay! We finished! Your set up looks colorful. I would guess that draws a lot of people in.

  23. Hey that's really cool! Good luck for a smashing success at your next venue!

  24. I'm celebrating it by resting and catching up on emails.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  25. It looks nice!! :D I'll have to check out your online shop.

  26. I love fellow needle-artists! I just started knitting the notorious Hitchhiker scarf. We shall see how that goes.

    Kathleen Valentine's Blog

    1. Hitchhiker scarf? I have not heard of this. Tell me more.

  27. I didn't participate this year, but had a great time in popping around. I always check your site. Good Job!

  28. Si great to meet you via the A-Z Challenge, Liz! Love that little knitted Z--when I lived in New Zealand and England I used to knit all the time, loved it. However, since moving to the New Mexico high desert, I've only made one sweater (for my husband) in 13 years. Too hot, LOL! Congratulations on making it through the alphabet!

    1. Yeah, I don't really knit sweaters. I'm going to start a purse. That's more in line with what works around here.

  29. I love that your business starts with a Z. Handy for the Challenge too. ;)

    1. Very handy. If I'd been thinking, I would have named it something starting with an X...

  30. Congratulations on completing the challenge!! :)

  31. Congrats o ending the A to Z! I love the layout-it is easy to get to all the areas of your creations and nice and easy to see

    1. I think this works better than my previous set up.

  32. Well done Liz. Having a few days off to get back up to speed at home after holiday.... can barely see over the mountain of washing. Your stall looks good.

  33. Congrats on making it to the end!
    I've done craft shows like that and I'm always tweaking how I display my stuff. (I do knitting and jewelry and have my books.)

  34. I wish I had the patience to knit. I've been taught to knit twice and crochet once. I've never finished so much as a scarf with either method. I'm always envious of those who have the patience to finish beautiful pieces. It's even better that you have found a way to make money at it!

    I may have missed a blog post, but what do you plan to do with all of your A-Z letters that you put together for April A-Z?

    1. Never finished a scarf. Well, considering how long those puppies take (and they can get tedious quickly), I don't blame you. You needed a smaller project to start with. (I made slippers for my first project.)

      The knitted letters were made for last year's Challenge. I held a contest last year to give away a couple of them. The rest I have up for sale.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.