
Saturday, April 23, 2016


When I started contemplating what sort of thing I'd photograph for T, this tree came to mind...

I walk by it every day on my way to get my mail. It's become a good friend.

Do you have any interesting trees nearby? Is there something you walk by every day that puts a smile on your face? 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

Knitted T, monogram T, gift card holder


  1. I drive by a bagel shop every day and that makes me smile!

    1. Or doughnuts. Doughnuts make me smile. And fat. But, let's not concentrate on that aspect.

  2. LOL with Alex' comment :)

    That is a pretty tree; nice walkway too!

    Some days I don't even get out of the house with working at home (need to get back on an exercise routine) but I do smile when the mail truck stops at our mail box :)


    1. It's nice to have such scenery not far. Sometimes I only get out to get the mail.

  3. On my way to work, I see a huge spreading oak standing sentinel by an overpass. It makes me smile to see it still arched against the azure sky, silent observer of small scurrying lives on their appointed rounds beneath it.

  4. I love trees like that. Looking out my front window at all the green is what puts a smile on my face. I love this time of year!!

  5. It's very pretty. Actually, that whole scene looks nice :)

  6. That is a lovely tree! I smile when my cats follow me around in the morning, as long as they don't trip me :)

  7. What makes me smile is a grouping of Bradford Pear trees in my neighborhood, near a huge factory that is being torn down. They are in full bloom right now, and I fear for their future - I suspect they will be chopped down in the near future. They've made me smile for so many years - when they blom, spring is officially here. Alana

  8. I love trees like that :) Great pick for T!

  9. What a unusually shaped tree, it's a good choice for T

  10. That's a beautiful tree. I walk up and down my road every day with my dog. I like noticing the green coming to replace the brown :)

  11. A beautiful, awesome tree! Makes me think of "like a tree planted by the waters, I shall not be moved." We have some trees here that I totally adore. Willows out by the pond. A massive old oak in the back yard that I love to lay back and stare up into when I'm in the pool. A humongous cedar tree by the house. An extremely large magnolia out front. Yes, we are blessed with trees that I cherish. I commute 67 miles round trip everyday. I do to pavement and concrete to work. When I come home in the evenings and the canopy of the trees start to close over my head when I turn down our road, I feel my heart lighten.
    Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

  12. You have such a pretty spot to walk by. The tree is a beauty.
    I walk Rico by the pond every day. I love the different birds and songs they sing.

  13. What a gorgeous tree and wonderful walk on your way to get the mail. We have some beautiful willow trees in this area.

  14. There was an flower Hawthorne tree in front of the house where I grew up. And I do miss that tree and thought of having one on the Northside of our place.

    Coffee is on

  15. I have a magnolia tree in my backyard, along with some fruit trees. I find those interesting because they're new to me.

    And the scene above is absolutely beautiful.

  16. It's a gorgeous tree... Makes me want to climb it. Oh, and put a swing on it! I'd love to sit there, watching the water :) We don't do much walking here in CuraƧao (it's too hot), but I do take my dogs on walks to a nearby wooded area, and there's a tree there that's growing lopsided... and its trunk provides the perfect bench. I love that tree :)

    Thanks for the visit over at Life In Dogs, and sorry it took me so long to come visit you... This April's kicking my meager behind :)

    1. I don't know if the branches would support a swing. At least not for an adult.

      April's been getting me, too. No worries. We're all just trying to keep up.

  17. One should always have a friendly tree nearby. I've taken it to extremes in my scifi book series ;)
    I love trees <3
    Jemima Pett

  18. I had an oak tree rip the baseball cap right off my head yesterday as I mowed the lawn. I hate that tree.
    Even so, does this count as a favorite tree?

  19. We have two large scyamores next door to our front garden lovely trees but they scatter over a thousand seedlings out to our gravel drive each year.

  20. That is a lovely tree. It reminds me of the big pin oaks in Louisiana.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

  21. There have been views that make me smile.

  22. That's a beautiful tree Liz. You are lucky. I'm in the middle of a house move and the first thing I'm moving is my garden:) I spent the day planting a few new trees today-banana, pomegranate and curry leaves. Just keeping my fingers crossed that the transplanted ones survive the intense summer heat. Trees always make me smile, especially in early spring and in autumn.

  23. I love trees and that's a lovely shade tree. I have flowering locusts in my backyard I planted when we moved here twelve years ago. They always awe me with their beauty in April. They're sticks in the winter and all of sudden they're full of hanging purplish-pink flowers. I love spring.


  24. I love trees and that's a lovely shade tree. I have flowering locusts in my backyard I planted when we moved here twelve years ago. They always awe me with their beauty in April. They're sticks in the winter and all of sudden they're full of hanging purplish-pink flowers. I love spring.


  25. That's a lovely tree perched right there. It's amazing how nature can do that.

  26. This is a really nice looking tree actually with all its branches and your walk is so pretty. Right now everything is grey and blah here.

    1. I'm sorry. We've had a couple gray days ourselves. (Well, it's almost May. We've got a couple months coming of May gray and June gloom.)


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